Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HOLOPW^, IS PUBLISHED Everv xVlternoon r-XCEPT SC7TDAT BT THE Holomua Publi3hing Co. At Kīng St. (Tbomas block), Honoiula, H. I. * *W«N I w*. WW Ww5« Tl:ff f,s #-r is fk-!irer»-<l hy Ci*rriers in the to*n an«l iaboifa». Mnc!e Oipies f>r "a!f at thc New» Di.U»-rh and at the Office of puhhealion. EjMUHD NORRIĒ. - - Editor GēORGE E. SuiīHIēS - Manag«r XOTI(’E. VII Pn«:neh< C<imninrle«t!on« «honld be a.h : re i to i .eorge E Suiithies Uonolulu, H. I. l'‘>rri*«j“inaence an 1 ('otuinnnicatioQs tor puiilii- ition «honU U- «ddivsseil to the Editor Hmw ui liolomna. No noiiee will be |>iud to auy auoupmouh eommnniealiona. 1 >usiiicss C:mls A. r. PET£KSON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Offlot- 113 K liilmuimn Stwet, Houoluin Hawaīian Islauds. CHARLES CREIGHTOX, \TT 'UNLY AT LAW, Oihi 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolulu llawaiiau Islauds. PALL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY \T I,A\V. 314 Merchant Street, Honolnlu, Mutual Tolephone 415. CT,AUENCE W. ASHFOKD, An-.iR\r.v and rorNsr.Li.0R at LAW. < • . <’M Caj>-tol S5t::l ling, (Honolnln Hali '. adjointng Po»t OSuv, Honolnlu. J0HN L0TA KAULUKOU, ATT0RNEV AT LAW, 0:l.re, eoī iu'i- King A Bothel Sts. LEMTS J. LEVEY, Koal Estute uiul Oeneinl A uctioneer. Co< ,-r l\*rt aml Qu*cn Houolnlu 1' - al iitton*iv>n g;ven to Sales of Fnrniture, Kenl Estate, Stock aml General Mercbaudise. Mnlual lalephone ‘23$ A. K0SA, ATT0RNET AT LAW, No ō Kaahumann St., Honolulu, Hawaiian lslaiuls. H. E. Mel NTYKE A BK0., ti:. 'cr;;Y. Feed Stoke A Bakekt, Corner of King an<i Fort St'., Honolulu TH0MAS~ L1NDSAY Mannfaduring Jt\cdet and Walek maker, MvTuerny l'loek, 4u5 Korf, Slr. Honolnln F. GERTZ. 1!AS I!E-0PKSED H1S Boot and Slioe Store, Opp 'site thc Ciub Stabie on Fort Street. aod wiil be gUd to t>oo his old fntads. maj-7-tl.