Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 Mei 1894 — POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. [ARTICLE]
N’.>tice is herehy given to all persons, that there an? at the Govemment Pound at Makiku two strayed hor»os. 1 cn?am horse, white spot on the forehead, bran»l indescribable on right hind leg. 1 poor red horse, white spot on the forehead, brand indescribable ou left hind ieg. Any person or persons owiug these ho.-ses are requeste>i to eome aad tJke the same on or hehw 12 o'eloek noon, SATURDAY, MAY 26th, 1 s!H. JAMES Kl’KON'A, Pound Master. Makiki, May 15, '94. may 15-tf.