Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 Mei 1894 — ALL ON BOARD! The African Colonization Company Ready. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ALL ON BOARD! The African Colonization Company Ready.

Tbe Al para1vzed the : the commnnity this morning bv 'tating that Mr Thomas Lucas—better known as the’‘ret,i lion” — waa getting ready to proceed to i .Tohannisburg somevrbere in j South Africa together with a ; nnmber of proninent mechanics i and other material suitable to 1 form a colonv that wouId do bonor to IreUnd as well as to : Hawaii. With a barst of enterprise for whieh the Holojica always is uoted a representitive of this paper songht the “lion” aud fonnd aim sober and eommunicative. He fally endorsed the statement in the Advertiser. He had already formed a co!ony consisting of the “best” whites that is those whom Stevens ealled “adventurers,” “scum' and “opium ring.” He was going as boss of the eoneem. He had re8Srved a salary for himseif and he wonkl distribote the work among the other colonists. Mr. E. B. Thomas who aecording to the Adverti*er had also packed bis gripsack, would contract for the tent in whieh the colouists were to sleep in. If bisbid wasu’t the lowest he exjjected to get it anvhow according to t:ie rnles laid down by the Cuief Jastice in Hawaii. Mr. \ViIson wouhl act in a triple capacity. He would “marshar’ the expedition, i seperate the fighting Iions aul get occasioual:y arrested for do- : ing so. Tbo jeweler wouki have the easiest job possible; but then any man getting through Castle's clutclies onght certainly to be able to eope with the sharks of South Africa. His job woukl j only be to estimate the value and “set” the d;amonds found by “Tommy” and the otuer colouists. So far everything has gone smoothly. Tho laboring classes aro well represented, because ; everv one of the “b'is.ses” have taken good care to have frora oue ! to three workingmeu with thera to do the mannal busiuess while i tbe “bosses” do tho “bossing” in great stvle. Some difticulty arose thongh this morning wheu at a meeting it was decided to take a doctor, a lawyer, and a newapaper man along. Thore was no trouble about the doctor. The p. g. signified its willingness to dispeuse witb the servicea of Ur. Rodgers without compensation, only makiug a clause that he should not be returned —he will not. In regard to the lawyor tliere was more trouble. All of them wanted to go, but all of them wanted a retainor. At the secret re»|uest of the cibiuet it was agreed to take W. O Smith. 1 His oxperieuce as a goat-hunter and his record from Kalalaa were sufticieut to conviuce the colonists of his special qualifications for a South-Afrioan job. He will eome l>ack tbough, as usual and don’t i you forget it Tlie newspapejr inan was tiie cause of great dis- | sension. Tue great and only W. | G. Smith is known to be willmg, but Tommy. who always is a kicker, objected. He said that Smith was b >nn 1 to start a liberal republic, witb a bigsalary for himself, and theu h ? said that he ate too mueh. The eolonv touldu’t afford to fill his poueh. Arthur Johust >ae was theu proposed. Tomray kicked agaiu becaase it wouid take a gaardīan to bold him iu oue plaee. If left alone Arthur woald wvite one day for the Matabale eamp and next day for the To:nmy eamp and c>mplications woukl arise. i Besides the colony oonlda’t afford to take Cunha and his establisbI ment with them. Henry Castle | had no show at alL If he hid speld Heinneh instead of Heury he migut have been considered, but as it was it was well known that tlie kuew compatriots of the liou have a niost unexpiainable taste for raissionanas and that | diplomatie qcastions woald arise as soou as Henry was uon «$i from & case of dyspepsia. The editor of the HoLoMUa volanteered to go. Bat learning that all the frieoda of ihe coloaists h«ve a “ v»

gone bonds for him in libel saits. -edit:on snits and anyolher snits his otier was rejected. The co!ony only proposes to ruin, Afric«ns. Mr. Logan admitted that he was afraid of lion? and he was placed Aors--i- o- so if the colony oau’t “fix” the Para--dise of the Pacific man tbev will have to go withont a recorder and j their historical feats will be reIegated to obscnrity. The Boreaa ' of Infonnation mar go if he hasnot got a Holt on him that wiii play old Harry with the whole scheme. Applications for joining tbe co!ony shonld be sent in without delay to Mr. Sereno E. ehaplain to tbe company.