Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — For Sportsmen. [ARTICLE]
For Sportsmen.
Mr. W. M Cunningbam the vali«nt Nimrod has c vusei a lot of , his booty, shot on the other side of tbe Ohineae Theatre. to be stutT:d and i>laeed on exhibition at tho Anchor. The vaji«ty of duoks aml other water-fowis seoureii by the professional poacher wdl astonish even the most exi»ert member of the Sporting Associ*tion. They uever could shoot sucb birus. Frice ofaiimission 25 cents and oae of the: celebrated Oyster cocktaiis • tbrown in. P. S.—Those who don’t like Oysters ean take a ' smile. Will a dack $wiua’