Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 Mei 1894 — Goes in for Horses. [ARTICLE]
Goes in for Horses.
The folloM'ing Australi;»n bretl horses were boaght a short while ago by Mr. Atlo f Sprookels, who evidently intends to becomo as famous in raciug circles as his father is m the fiuance world: —Llalium (brother to Sir Modred), by Tradacer—Idalia 600; Crichton. by Clieveden —Ghinni Ohinni, §2,000; Treutola, by Trenton —Gondola, $1.800; Candid (brother to Candour), by Splendor—Ctnary, §3,000; Yarranabbee. bv Hippocampas—Y*atterina,§1,700; Merriwa, bvGoldsbrough —Hahena, $2.050; Calphurnus, by July—Nandu, $575; Empire. by Chester —Queen of Nations. $155. A year ago an otier of $10,000 for Llalium was refused.