Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 Mei 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Beautifal weather to-da_v. H*miicraft for April has jast beec pnblisb©d. JBusiness i.s still ven - dall in all lincs of trade. The Gaelic >aile<I for 8an Fmucisco at 8 a. m. Ihe Empire saloon supplies good wine» for family use. The W. G. Hall is arriving in port as the H»<LOMCa goes to press. Makiki shooting rtnge was the scene of the usnal desecration of 8unday. Manager Canninghara. at the Anchor, displays some rare specimensof wild fowl. Arther Johnstone ex-editor of the ’ Tiser is atb.*rapting to fill the editorial chair on the Star. Messrs Castlo & Cooko are making improvements inside and out of their plaee of business. Herr Cilade has been appointed Counsul-general of the Hawaiian Islauds in the German empire. Plans are proposed by the Rev. Hyde to open the Kamehameha school to other nationalities thau Hawaiian. Sau Francisco customs o:ticers stato that large quantities of opium are beiug smuggled into Hawaiian ports in bales of hay. The street -sweepor it is hoped will uot be ag iiu al!owedto make a daylight appearance. The age and style is a!most antidiluvian. Gov.George D. Freeth of Lysau lsland left port here ou the 16th ult. for his distant territory; n day after the L'Avenier called iu there. The passengers by the Gaelic frora here for the Coast were; Mr. H. F. Glade and family, A. J. Cartwright. Otto 8chmidt and George Lycurgus. The ragged looking H ig whieh adorus (?) the Aunexatiou club tiag pole is severely coramented on by many good Amerioans. Say, tear that tattered ensign down !