Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tue Adrertiāer who ratches la persons eye nsn»lly wic> a !cn-:t*>raer. Minv ditferent stv!es • • •f advertising h:ive heen adopted uid witb nion' or !*■•« succes>. l>v the Wli'vers in the ose of priuters ink. The ni;»nafaeturers of ; P«.-ars Soaj’. for in-Lino» oeasion dlv buv that have [ * * ' been ou e\hibition ia tbe Pi»ri‘s iSalor. and hare litho<nrapbs made I 1 from them for the purposo of ibriaging tbeir prod.ict before the j>eopie. lu addition to soch -i«le i-sues Pear spen*ls handreds jthons-.nds ot d*>llais annnalK ;imong the newsr*aj>ers anJ maga7:incs. S.nno years ago the Agents of oertain article on >alo in New Y**rk mnde a hit iu advertising by baving on Bro:ulway during busines> hours two fat!uessly dressed Negnx Bvoaringrery higfa e >Ums, ou the backs of whieh wis j*rīnted “Uso Suiths P.Ils.’’ Tho idea waa uovel and tho public raught on. Rising Sun St<*vo Polish has boea kept bef >re tho j>nblic for years through persistent. and sometimos expensive advertising. Twenty o*M ye:irs ago the manufacturers of this j>olisli started half a do/.en men ; acrosathe orniment to j>.iīut signs |on rocks and fonces. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago havo inI creased its sales raore than ti > hundred per cent in two years by the use of printers ink. Wo I behevo we have been iustruraontal in incroasing tho sdes of tho i Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly I at it in Muwaii. Wo do not wish to say tbat ad- | vortising will sell auy manufac- | tured articlo; thero is n<> use speuding in >noy in advertising •‘eheap and na»ty” goods bocaase the j>eople will not be hoodwinked. If Haviland Ohina was not the snperior article jit is. all our advertising of it would not have sold the thousands of*pieces that we havo. We siinply eall tho atteution of the j>eople to it and ite suporior qualitv is apparent to tho customer directly a pieee of it is esainined. Printers iuk has helped the sale of the Jaraes Lockod Penee but it would not h tve dones so if it had heon as Himsv as the or dinay wire feuce. First; tiie economy there is iu baildiog it recommends it to the j>lantation man.»ger and then its durability clinches tlie tho sale If the st;»ys aud washers cost as mueh as an ordinarv rodwoo*l post our sales of tbo rnaterial wouhl not have reached such euormous proportions. Our averago salo of tho Pansy Iron 8tove is abont two a day the year round. If was not tho best iron stovo on the raarkct we woukl not sell that raanv m six raonths. Advertising is the tip to the publ;c the good points iu thearticle se!ls it jnat as the good qua!ities of the Fischer 8teel Iiange muke it a desirable article fi»r j»eople who wisb toeconomise in the use of fuel. M e buy only what h;»s proven good aftor peopla in the United States or Euroj>e haee given it a trial; wo profit by their exporinco if the articles aro goopd we buv and sell them: if tbey are poor wo steer clear of them. When we advertiso an article it is to attract attention to it; the new»j>aper is the bntton we push. tho salesman does the rest. Persistent advertising coupled with the artic!o being a superior •one has sol.l tbousan*is of the tran£ Walcot Eraory Filo. If it had heen no better than an ordinan* scythe stone we prob a bly wouM aot have sold twentv. When a man finds out that his table kuives may be kept sh ,rp at »11 tia»es at an expanse ol nft\’ cente and a very litilo eihow greaso he Ls qoitc wilii n g to ;ry the eipenmenL T6e Eawaiiaa HaNwaK Eo, 307 Eort btieet