Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 113, 15 May 1894 — Coming Events. [ARTICLE]
Coming Events.
The Advertistr states pathecally thut mueh sorrow is fell among the royalists by reason of the fa.ll of a royal palm*lin the Queen’s yard. By a singular eo incidence, a papaia trce in the yard of the Minister of Foreign Affairs fell List uiglit nearly crushing the laratory in whieh His Excellency \vashes his hands. Can it be accepted as an omen that he eannoi wash his hands of the serions aml horrible failure of the late eleelion of learned men, for ,tbe Constitutional Convention, or that the well-known Jigestive power of the papaia is no longer available to assist him in swallowing the well merited conterapt sbown for the foreign office in foreign !ands? The j>apaia tree dropped. because, it was rotten at the r>ot. It is not the onlv rotten thing that will drop soon