Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 Mei 1894 — why This Secrecy. [ARTICLE]
why This Secrecy.
1 hk S »n Fr im. i-co V»w> Letter ;~ | . with *.oe of the Iyins ' iloni, tuat have 'aken op their alxxle ic al! r y.n ' t new>j.aj<«?r' I* s»ys that ruly per<*>cs registere»i forthe !r>t- electioa 4 0*» ts the ml nanil<er.— P. C. ild«cr-| ( i*er. The .! ••• - pablisbed the ii’ >ut s;atement a few »I;»vs ag *. We t>eg to ca!! the attention of onr esteemed cnnt> rnp r iry to the fx‘tb *t t* e ' ■ • />•>.■• - V • L- *'■ ■• n« ’.*;r <.i:d aavthing' of the kind. It stat*-d tbat at ihe time of the n;:is~ i!ievtiug on Palaee Sqnare oniy 500 hul re- ■_• -tered ••.i. i >»•• •! •n■ <t no-.v Uie .1 >' r ean t »kc exception t«* such ;* stute.rnent, whiek it kiiow.s tr, l>e a f:tet. It i> too bad th.it the K'>valist papers bave u monopo!v <>d t!.e Tyiug «levils. When tfae s»vs that l 4>HX* voters re_' ed for the late eIection, we are inciined to be-Iū.-ve th.it th- uiorning orgtn lias iofringei on the patent rig!it of, th«- P» >y;ilist pai*ersand “borr<*w-t-«r’ ne of the lyii g devils. But who eiu koow' The govenunent pre>erve.s the deepest > lenee in ’ r< g .rd to tbe result> of t’ue eleeti• ■:i. Not a svlhtble i< pubii>hed . to >how how many registored, who thev were, how mauy are now esAmericans, who toi>k the oath ‘ before Almightv God ’ with a pr*>test ;iti<l a - iv>ng <;la«se. how m.;nv voted and how raauy used tbe eummuhil’ <1 ballot. At’ter anv previous eleelion full st.it;stic> liave been prepared and pub lished as soon a> bie retnrns \vere in, but in thi> instance the governmeut wmp> itself in it< eloak of giief aud disappoiutmeut aml preserves a sullen silence. Of cour§e there ean i>ii 1v bo oue reas<>u for such an attitude aud that is that the government is hearti’y ashamed of the results aml foels humiliated bv c.>iuiug forward \\ith eokl tigui L-> tiiat will stamj> it bqfore the \vorid as an unscrupuloas, lvuig junta that Las used all iuoaiis aml oven falsohood to create the eiToueous impressiou abroad that it controlled the majority of the legitimate voters iu Hawaii aud w.is backed by the PEOi’LK. Mardly :<">•'>0 l(gUim>il( {•«/« '• \vent to the po!ls and in t >at amouut are iuclu<led evory g<)Voriimeiit oiheial. everv beueliciary ot the tro isuty, everv bull doze*l employoe iu private aunexatiou t’nns aiul tiie usual g;*ug of hvpocrites, lick-spittles and svcoi*h int> who lmi)g ou to the t il of every ri>ing meteor and drop it as soou as the tliins\ fabrio is in its descent Tht government is afraid of furuishing the oiheial rosalts of the last eieotion. It iiides itse f in a most coward y m tnner behind all kind of subterfuges and lame excuses. bnt. mverthe!ess, the Araeriean j>oople knows tod*y thatCom.«nis siouer 3ioant "'•(■>■ r< o'I,t when he said that in case of an eiectioii not one i< teti w uld v««te for anne\nti« nor for the p. g Away \vith secrecy, Mr. D<«le, the eountrv is eutitl«*«l t<> >ee what yonr govemment i> doing, whit it i> w««rtii. and of what kin.l it is lf it is backed by a majorītv. how ever small, let it remain a> k«ug a> th it majoiity is wiliing, i«ut if it is, a> iudicatious show, kased upou a most insignificant miuority of aliens and ouly existing by being propped up by Ihe bayon«*ts whieh 8tevens stol< and handed to the merceuaiy hirelings tbat follow tbose iu po\ver. then let it disapj*ear quietiv and peacefiTly before it is wij>ed oui n a> ignoumiuously a manneras that iu whioh it was created.