Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 May 1894 — NEARING THE END. [ARTICLE]

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me uonstitutionai uonvention A proclamation lias boen issued from the <;roiit provisional Presi<l»*nt. Mr. S.infonl l>. I)ole, Cilling the conveution whieh is to frame u constitution for Ha\\:tii t- g*‘ther. on tlie MU‘h «,»t Ma\ this ye:tr. Wa hesitate in noticing the souie\viiat reui>tikahlo coincitleuce. that tlie oj»ening of Mr. Dole’s eouvention takes j»lace on tho tlay, wheu "\\e (loeonilo our gravos, l'erhaps Mr. Dole has overh oked tho fact. Now, this conveution composetl of u ntiiiiber of semi-eilucateil, wholly iuconj)M'te it men, is to frauie a c »ustituti ju whieh is snpposetl to l»e decidetllv l»ased uj»ou Amerieau i>r.ncij»les. aud adaj»ted so as to l»ring haj>j»inoss and prosj»erity to this country. 801110 change is undoubtodly needed to amelioiate e\istiug circumstances. l'he revolutiou any juuta. wheu piaced iu powor, by Mi. SU*veus aud the American trooj s. fonud a j>rosperons comiuuuitv, aUhouph the "hard tiiues felt all over thc worid had touchud or fair shores. They foiiu 1 a haj>j»y and satisfied people. a stable govtiuiueut aud a \vell-filied treasury. They may have fouud fau!ts and misnses eouimon to am goverumeut, but as a whole tho couutrv eouKl colebrate Thaiiksgiving sd«y \vith an honest heart aud \vithout artilieial e\eriious. The j»rovisioual g »veruinent paj»ei-s spoke on bel.alf of tlie juuU iu paternal alt tough triumj»haut toues. The goveiumoLt \vas the guat\lian of the j»oor kauakas, Tho foreigner- who sympathized with aud suj»jM<rted the kanakas were eallcd “tbe scam of the eartli,” '‘needy »dventurers.” aud the “denl‘s own.” The “j»aterudi” governiueat under Mr. Dole‘s presidium. assisted by L. A. Thuistou—the ex-partuer of the deril —was ready to plaee tbe treasury aud the couutry on a souud footiug, aud a Learty Te Ikiiii, bu:st lorth from the lipa of the sa utly crowd, who hoid soats iu tha CoutraI l'uion Church —aud oftices. Aud behoid! tbe provisionaI goverument rule\l the xoust for fourteeu months, aud it disap{M>inted ooo and ail of its suj»}»orters, but not its enemiea or opj»oueuts. lt existod, uot througb the will of tlie j*eople, uot through the spontaneous desire of e\ ca a class of uuselfish, truly patriotic uieu—uo, it had to

■ nenrlv a «ju»rtcr uf a | roilii<w» f lollars fv>r tfae parp«>se of cj h iī‘iinj a mihUry oiigarcfay. ■ l: faa i to surroun i it> Vretobling naember* witb special guard‘5 I 1 w;th spies a2‘i with tbe veiy , -<;uru of the earth. evea a* ī; *ur with roocie ;t» fficial bui’.iicg« j c tQiJōD' ani 'tt<lb3g' The tax- 1 pa\ers tnouoy float 1 away on ' • -.h Lu?i~iTe*> of ~e:f*pre3ērva- 1 ti’*n w;i;le 1- ar.l wLaoe». pob!ic improvt-inents and schools were ah eqna11y neplected. The < uiicertiiiuT-. of arf,iir> cau.«e-l a * wave of depre»Aion to sweop rver tfa • ia: 1. >■ *r« cj»ou st« re < ciosed up. F.iru -y after fatmIyH soM ont aud l<-ft f>r justureo new. St.irvdt:on. waut, atnl need staud < t'.e iaboring ol i"> - in the face to ' i ’ l.ty but th- p g. »atbigh io office i . ami eiluweā tfae money to roll, i < aud io*i ou ii-t the pockets of ihe ucedy .. Iverr. crer» who ouly vtuat- 1 e 1 ei; i»gu t pav t:ieir passage aiid gct fiviu the Hawaa >n iiejmbiicau Klvlorado. J3ut ttietlayi < OiOie, when it was leam-l 1 eJ tfaat annesation vasi’ Lopele>s. .\t tiio saiiie ti:ae 1 it was ieanie«i. tbut there sooi * wouiil be co aiore raoney to rolii' | out from the treasury. So tbe j 1 wise me:i bet >ok the;iiselves to 1 tiieir secret chaniber aiul tl:eyr se!it for Thurston and they s!iid 'Lorrin! where are we no\vAud 1 the uian with tfae gigantic braiu|und a dimo-mns uui recurd huni-J‘ med to himself. “ way up in !iie|! sky!” But aloud he said: ‘Forui| a pernumeut goverument. Drop) ihe p. g. raoket. Call a couvon- i , tion aud become a repubbc aiid! i f yon <jr( (»■<>-/!< ir<l< of the II<i <> n- i ian voie, I will guarautee _\ou! that Cleveland aud Gresham will recognize you. ’ And they \vere very mueh comforted and they sent out w >ids to t!ieir slaves, tlie olhce-holders, and to tbeir friends. the planters, and they: said; “go out and threateu or i or bulido/e or bribe tho kunakas to vute, tfaat we may iiavet .vo-| thirds of tliem dn onr r< gister.” And tlie olhce-holder looked ( sti.ru and threatened, and thej plauter cracked his wuip and 1 romised golden acres aud silverj dollars, but tfae‘ mui • of a kanakai stood sullen v by and said: “li vote not !igiiust mv Country, myj aiul mv sovereign. Sturve> me, punisli nie, thr w ine into tlie stre t. but I do u>t bec in-( Traitor to my uative land as yon,| rencg;tde Amer can, hnsbecoine' when you forsw >ro \ onr allegiauce 1 to ttie Star> und Strip« s forthe ! purj»ose of gaiuing a paltryad-j vantage in these islands.' Aad Mr Dole and llie olliee- hoider and the planter grievtd sorelv. because| tbev knew that tliev were beaten. v Aml then the couvention was ; cailed. The constitutiou that| will never be <i(biuiftel (o Ihel ]n‘n/>le ft>r <ipj>>'0'<il i> reulv. It jirovidos for a most objection:.ble ohgarcby and it will lieeome a source of interest uud amusenieut' to tho student of history. Mauy and difticult aie tbe j>roblems whieh huve to be solved by tlie tiukers aml shoj»keej>ers who arei to fr.une it. Japan demauds eijual nghts f<>r its residents here. The Chiuese colony. pay ing one-fonrth of all the t.i\es,( insists iu beingTecognized. Fhe illiterate i'ortug(iese»uj>ercili>)asly declaro that they proposc to| run tbe shop, while the whitei workingiueu and uiechanics who' hold tfae gun» aud the figh:ing qualities diet.;te ihe f iture of tlie| country. The j!i<> ■ r(i<- r and the Cocoanut club entangle matter» still uiore by in»isting right of sutfrage for white womeu wlnle tfae St<<r nob y espooses tbe canse of it» j*er»oual fnends the 'wahiue».’ Aud, iu the meaulime. \'oor old Dole presses his h;.ii 1» to hi» aching head aud exciaims;< “Holv Smokei what have I got iuto Holy ’ Foker! how am 1 to get oui of it again ' Aud Lorrin »miies his wicked smiles, dives into the cash-office and couut» how many bright doi!ar» he. not the stockholders, Lave made oul of the Cyclon»ma Comj*any, tbe; Volcano House Compauy, the Midwinter Fair Company and the j Soj>er Freak Ci<mpany. And yet t the conveutioa wiil go on! >