Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 Mei 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES. Stevedor<' AND AVrecker. EāTHCATE8 AXD CONTBACTS ON ALL E1NDS OF WOKK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI. wiil ran regnl«riy bet-w*en this pon *nd Wiialu*. K.«waihap-ii, M kuleia, Keawenai »nd Kuiki on thr iaLtnd of Oaha. •_ For Freight, etc , appiv lo the Captoin. Inquire at Ofiice of J. S. Walker, ov-r Btnk, or Wright Bro? Fort Street. d«o !6-rf Long Brancli B AT H I N G Establishment. This First-class Bathing Rosort hae beeu enlarged and is now open to the puhlio. It is the best plaee ou the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeonarnodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every halt hourand on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. DAImPP0X Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The «l>ove Store bis reoeived aiiother Spleudid Inv«ioe of fl APANE5E Sl LK, f ANCY PoODS, Per S. S. “China.” —c«»m j-aisixo — BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dress Goods in nll shade, plain nnd ritrared. Cushious, TaHle Covers, Bed C«vers, Gown«, Chemises, Shawls Silk Crape llaiuliow Silks, All Colors Fancv Draperies, EMBROIDEREJ H1HDR£RCHIEFS, Doillies, Soarfs. Sasl.es, Jackets, (.’apa, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The Pricesof these Gocxls will astonish yon inc'.uding eleūanī SLK KIW0rS! Handsotue Ciga-e;te Cases, Piu Cnshions, Silk Tea Cossics, L(RGE 4M»SMUL J(1*1\ESE RUGS Silk rmbreUas, light but strong. Chair Sad»Ues, bilk; Bamboo Blinds, fitted vrith paU«ys; Sdk Lamp ShadJs, m w style. J.\r.\NESE SC \EESS, From $3 l p. L(RGE ilUiN !SE UlOKELL (S r Can be Set ■» *.h P de in the ;ivnnd, niee for Picnics or Lnaches oat of doors, they ean be opened <*at or asevi as a tent. CUTTOX CRAPES IX GREAT VABiETY tyinspection lieap -ctfally Invited. MRS. J. P. P. OOLLAOO, Proprietres3. Aprl2-3ms W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit Merchant (■ampUU Firt-proof Block, MEBCHAXTSI. HOM)LULU