Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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J£mt>ire Saloon, JAME& OLDS, P»or».irro». Fine Wine& Liqnors, Beer, ALWAĪ8 0S HASD. Coro«r S Hot«l Stre«U r*UJTs>ph ; rtc 241. Po*t Ofi» Boi 107 E*Ubiisbed 1*63 Ploneer Steam Candy FACTOilY BACK£RT M ICE OHEAIPARLORS F. HORS, Proprietor. W'edfUn£ and Birthday Ca kes to Order. Fnncy Brea<J and Guam Je/ly. Fact ry and St'>r*-, No. 71 K’ng Street. Bt>th Telej hones 74 ■p28 BRt)CE&A.J. CARTWR1GHT Ba«ine«» of a FlUnci«ry N»tnre Tmn«*cted. Prompt atlention given to the management o( I>tateii, (J'tard!iuship«, Tru»U. etc., «tc., etc. Oftov>, : C<niwrigKt Buildtng, Merchant Slreet. Honolnlu. H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants •98 Fort Street. - Honolulu Families, Plantations and Ships supplied with choieest Kumpiān cfc A merican Grocsries California Produce by Evety Stetmer. Sans Sonci HŪTEL, AAIKIKI, HONULCLO. M V Firs{-C/ass Aeeommooations for fo;jrists and fsland Guests SUPERI0R BATHING FACUITIES. FHnate Cotf3ges for Fan:i!ieS. T. A. SIMPSON. Manager. CHEAP FURNITURE ! VING FAT & Co, Cornor of Kiug and Bothel Sts.. Houoluln, Otfer a large assortment of fine aud dt sirab!e FLR > ITU R K, ahieh thoy sell at a vory lotv figuro. Bodsteads, Bnreaus, Meat S*fes, Wardrobes, etc., at prices to sn«t eveiybody. Cal! and insp>ect foryonrselves. mai 12 VING FAT A CO.