Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 Mei 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
‘■East Lynne” tomorrow, Bishop Willis has returned from Maui. Tiie p band play tonight at Eruma S-ioare. The Paradi*e of the PaeiAe wili l>e ont tLis week in l well to the eastw.tr>] to d;»y. -<kj cloo>lv. westher mngg\ . Mr. John Emmelnlh hts been elected first lieutenant of Co. A. It is reported that the fornoerly popalar Capt. Zeigler has to chauge his hat often, lately. The Gaelic will sail for San Francisco tomorrow 8at a. m Mail closes at 7. It is rumored tbat work in p. g. circles along the water frout has been stopped. The Claudine brought 16 eahia and 20 deck passengers to port yesterday morning. No news from the Marshal yet. The date of his return to labor is uot mentioned. The long time-neglected Palaee Walk is now receiving mueh needed atteution from the street cleaners. Tho baseball g\me was a pleasurable treat Iast Saturday ou acconnt of the absence of the p. g. band. There are quite a number of p. g. ofiicials who still retaiu otKce and who did uot take the re(juired oath. The Satnrday evening programrnes stated that there woukl be a porformance at the Opera Hou>.e this evening. __________ ] The chief, or senior eapiain, of the poliee of Honolulu has just retnrned from a short vacation at his Maui home. — Hon. K. W . li win who arrived by tlie {Jaelic bas rentcd Judge Widemann’s bouse at Waikiki. Mr. Irwin wiil remain here for some time. The Dailey Corapany is to play but six more performances and le«ve by the *‘Mariposa.” ' Celebrated Case ’ and “Miehael Strogotl' will probab!y bo iu tbe last week’s roster. - The Honolnlu Atheletic Club, to prove worthy of its name. should send a representative nine iuto thebaseball field before next Saturdav. Do not forget the leetuVe in aid of the HistoricaI Society, tonight. at Kawaiahao Church. j A worthy object and an inteiesting subject The rag on the so-called Executive building and that on the Aunexation Club-house are very indicative of the wind-tossed t -i of eaeh building. Kumors were qnite prevalent tbis moining that an ei-U. S. Naval utficer had arrived by the Oaelie to take charge of p. g. ; troops. The wish was father to the thonght. emanating as it did from p. g. circ!es. There is no truth in tbe rumor. The well known phiy of Unele Tom s cabin held the boards at the Oper* U >use ou the afternoon and eveuiug of last Saturday. At tha Matinee. a laipe audienoe was present; at tae evening performance there was a smali number of people. On , Tuesday next East Lynne an in 1 terestiug drama will be given.