Hawaii Holomua, Number 112, 14 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tue ATvertiser »ho catches aI. r' -ns eyo asnally wir.s a C':?toai'T. Mmv iT.rft ro”.t st\ •■s f aJvort;s r.y have i* < n -iO.*»>:«•>l and witb BMn or less meoM, tl»e Wli. vors in the ose < f prmters ink. |he :n »nufdi*tnrt>rs of rs S ap, for instaix», oeeuion h11v bny paintings that have h.-en on exhil»iti.>n in tbe P»ri’s Saloo ud hiie lithogntphs iude fn>ra them !>r tbe purpc>s.> of briGginu r tbo:r provlact beforo the |>eopie. la ad.lition to sach sule i'su<■ s, Pear$pemls hundmls thons-ic<ls ot Jol!ur-> annnally iiu >ng tae r.ewspaj ■:ns ar. i iniy;utines. S"ine y“;ir.' ag>> the Agents of < ->itain irtivle on ~ >;e in New Y.>rk uj »ile a h:t in adverti'iuy by baving on Broadvvay daring busines' hours tw.< fatl«e>sly dressed Negroes wearing'ery high o«>llars on the baek~ of whioh was priut< 1 L s<> S:uiths P»lis. ’ Tbe idea w:»~ nov» l an.l th<> pnblic canght <>a. Kising Sun Stove Polish iias been kept before the pnlilie for yeavs throngh j>. rsisteat and sometinies exjH>usive advertising. Twentv o<l 1 yoars ago the manufacturers of this polish startod half a dozon mon :icr< ~s the oniTnent to paint signs ou rocks aiul feuces. Tho Aeri raotor Co., of Chicago bave increase«l its sales raore than f. «> hundred per cent in two years by the iiso of priuters ink. Wo beheve wo have been in.strnraental in increasiug tbo sales of the Aeraotor by keepiugoverlastingly i at it iu Hawaii. We do uo{ wish to >.iv that a«lvertising will soll anv mannfactured article; thero is no uso spending mouey in advertising j "eheap and nastv” goovls be1 cause tho peoj>Ie wili n<>t be hood- | w inked. If Haviland t iiina was not tbe suj>erior articlo Jit is. all our ndvcrtising of it wouhl not i bave sold tbe tbonsands of’pioeea ; that we bave. Wo simply eall i tlie attention of tl»o j)ei>j)lo to it and its snperior qnality is aj>jvarent to the cnstomer directlv a j>ieco of it is exaruinod. Printers ink liashelp<> l thesale of tho Jaines Loeke.l Fence bnt it woidd not have dones so if it had been as dimsy as the or din »y wire fence. l’irst; the econoiny thero is in l)uildihg it recomraends it to the plantatiou raanager and then its dnrability > clinches tho the salo lf tho stays aud washers cost as inueh as an ordinary reilwood (>ost our sales of tho ! ruateiial wonhl not have reacbed such enormous proportions. Our average sa!o of tho Paa.sy lion Stove is aboat two a day tho !year roun 1. lf was not tho 1 be»t iron stove ou the raarket we ! wouhl uot sell that many in six ; raonths. Advertising is the tip 1 1"> tho pnbl:c tho good (>oiuts in ! tlieurticle seils it just as the goo«l |qaalities of tbe Fischor Steel llange make it a desirable artic!e [ f<>r j>eople who wisl> toeeonomise I iu the use of fuel. AVe bav only what has proven good after people iu tlio Cnited States or E irope havo given it a trial ; we profit by their experince if the articles aro goo<>i we bny and sell them: if tbey are f>ooV wo steor clear of ihem. When wo advertise au article it is to attruct attention to it; the newspaper is the button we pu~h, tho saiesraan does tbe rest. Persistent advertising coupled with tho article being a saperior one has sold tboasands of the Frans Walcot Eraory File. If it had been no better t';an an ordioary scytbe stone wo probably wou!d not have sold twentv. W hen a inan finds out that his table knives ruay be keptsb »rp at all times ,»t an exp >nso of fifty cents aud a very littlo elbow grease be »s qnito wiihug to try the expenmeat Iitfi Eawaiiīā Hariwars .Ci 3U7 Fort 6troot