Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — COŔESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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?W«do aot bo!d <mn*rlTīs for ' tbe opīaioa« >'<r ih; auiiuu*s of oar , correspotid«au. ■ Editob Holoxua: Mr. Jas. "W. Girr!D needs have no fear of being acon.seJ as tbe autbor of an article signed San i Diego. tbat appeaml iu the B<jdldi o! M.»y 3nl as the political principles of Mr. Girvin md Sau Diego, are a< far part >a< the Angel Gabriel*s aud ohl •Diabolus.” Mr. Girvin wonkl forge the ehain of op:>ression and destroy nationality of Hawaii ' caasing natold mi>eiy. while San Diego, would m ike her free. iu- ! depemlent an«l happy. Mr Girvin would sing psiams with politicHl | chnrchi nity, while San Diego woukl sing tbe beauties of nature, whieh he loves. Mr. Girvin would lead lovely woman down into th" swirliug cess{K>ols of maeliine polit:cs. whileS.m D;ego i woukl w.ini and save them from suc.) degr.tdat:on. Mr Girvin says: “V\'heu women demand I the frunchise they will get it. When women demand aud be- ! eome aggrt*S'ive, tbey lose at ■ onee and forever, a cetainamount ' ;of respect due to women. An iggressive, forward, polilieal J wom.in, will no more comp:tre with tue modest, retiring lovely womnu <>f pure a iture, thau a 1 eoal seuttle will, with the planet 1 Venus in the starrv heavens. : I J . . | i Howl as yoa will wouien mixmg i in with the demoralizing m lehine 1 politics of to-day, will, :iiter a ! tiuae, heeome cont>tmin;»ted witb j evil, and s unetimes min: as has ! been tbe case witb many men. I Such i> the honest opiuiou freely given, bv vour humble servant. San Diego.