Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tiie Advertiser who oatche> a j>ers<>n> eve u.saally wir.s a cast‘>oier. Mmy <l:riorent st\ !es ■ of atlvertising ii »ve be» n a'loj*te»l and « ith iuore or i»" sncc '-. 1 • tiie believers iu the «se »'f pr4iiters iuk. The u»Huofacturers of p. it x > ■»} f r jastar.<v «.va>;«>n allv buv paintings that bave been on exhibition in the P;»ri‘s froiu them for the pnrp<<so of I>riugiug tbeir pro«l ict before the j>e<»plo. In aailiti<jn t > snch si<ie i>sues. Pear -}>enils huiulre<l> lthou>«nds of doilais annnally ;»mong the ne>vspapers an»l m;ig ;»zines. Some years :igo the \geuts |of certaiu article on s.ile m New Vork m ule a hit in advert:siug by liavin<: on Bro;ul»vav »Iuring l>usD . C7 ine>s hoars two f‘itluessly »lr< s>»\l N , *s weariog Very high oollars, on the h »cks of whieh w;»s j>r»nte»l *‘ Lse S niths PiiN.” The idea w;i> novel «m;! tho pohlie caoght on. Bising Sun Stove Polish li;»s been kept before the public far years through j>ersi.stent. and sometimes expensive a«lvertisiug. Twentv oll \«-;»rs ago the mannfactun?rs of this polish started half a dozen men acrossthe ornimentto paiut signs :on rocks au«l fences. Tho Aermotor Co., of Chicago havo in- | creased its sales tuore than fivo i hun»lred j>er oent iu two years «>y the use of printers iuk. We i beheve we have beeu iustrument »1 iu increasing the siles of the Aemotor by keej>lngeverla.stingly at it iu llawaii. We do not wisli to say that advertisiug will .sell auy manuiaei tared article: thei’e is no use speuding raōney in adverti.siug ‘eheap and nasty” goods because tho people will not be boodwinked. lf Haviland Ohina was ; not tne superior article »it i>, all onr advertising of it would not i have sold the thonsands of *pieces that \ve have. We simply eall the attentiou of the peoj>le to it ainl it.s superior «piality is appareut to the customar directiv a | pieee of it is ex.»mined. Printers ink has helped the sale of the Jumes Loeke»! Fence but it woukl not h ive done> so if it had been as tlimsy as the or dinay \vire fence. First; t!ie oconomy thore is in bailding it recommends it to the plantation manager and ; then its dnrability clinches the the sh!»j If tho stays an l washers cost as mueh as aa or«linarv redwood j>ost our s.»ios of tho material would not havo reached snch enonnous j>roportious. Our averago sa!e of tho Pansy • Tron Stove aboot two a day tho year round. lf was not the best iron stove on the markct we , woukl not sell that many m six months. A.lrertising is the tij> to the puklie tbe goo«l points iu , theartiele sells it ja-t as the goo«l qualities of the Fischer Steel Hange make it a desirable artic!e , for j>eopte who wisb toecouumise in the ose of fuel. Me boy only wliat bas proven good after people in tiie L'nited 1 States or E iroj>e have given it a tria!; we profit bv their experiuce if the articles are g«x>«xl we boy und sell tbem: if tbey are jjoor :we steer clear ol them. When | we advertise an article it is to attract attention to it; the newsj>aper is the button we push, the | salesman does tfae rest. : PersLstent advertising coup!ed with the article being a saperior j one has sold thousands «of the f ran< \\ alcot Emory File. If it had been no better tLao au ordinary scythe stone we probab!y wou!d not bave sold twenty. When a man finds ont that his table knives may be keptsiu»rp at ; all times at un expoose of rifty eenii snd a veiy hUlo elbow ; grease be is quiie wiliiug to try tue expemueut. īhs HāW'aiian Hardfare Co. 307 Fort