Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HA.WA.il HOLO[waA, IS PrBLI8HED j < 'verv ikfteruoon EXCEPT SCXDAY BT THE Holonwa Publishing Co. At King St. (Tbomas hloek), Honolnla, H. I. 'J72s:rrr::::. rsr so c~ The 1« ilehrt-rH br Carriers m th<» in»-n iui-l ,al>!irh- . muu!( <' jt»*-. 1jt >itle at the Ne > ’ Deiilers aud at the t>ffice of pnhhoalāoo. EDMU\D N0RRIE. - • Editor GEORuE E. SMITH/ES - Manager X()TICE. All Busin' ss C<inuuurleationH shon!d l»e a<i<ire-se<l to , .<-or/e E SniithU'> Uono inln, H. 1. (■.trres|Hinopn<'< > aml Conininm<Vitions lor inihheali in sli<iuhl 1«*n4dr« sse.lto thc E'.itor ilaWnli Holouina. No uolioe will be )>ald to any auonyiuuns cciiumanicatioii.s. l»usim‘ss Cards A. P. PETEESON, ATTOILVEY AT LAW. t)ffii< U.’i Kaahnmann S*xcet, Honolnln Hawaiiau Islauds. CHAKLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LA .V. (>ffi . : 113 Kauhumauu Street, Houoluln Hawaiian Islauds. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNKY AT LAW. :\U Men*hant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATi'OKNEY AND OOUNSELLOE AT LAW. Offi<s>. Ohl CajtitoI Bnilding, (Honolnln Hale), adj«>ininp Post Office, Honoiuin. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, C;Hoe coruer King «A Bethel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Es>tate aml Oenei-al Auctioneer. l\»ruer Fort and Qu«ou Stre«*ts, Houolnin Personal ftttcutit>n given to Sales of Farnilai'e, Real Estate, Stock anei Geuer«l MoroLftU(lise. Mntnal Tc!e;houe 23SA. ROSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, No. 15 KaahnmanuSt,,Hoūolulu, Hiiwaiian Islaiuls. H. E McINTYRE k BRO., Gkoceuy. Ff.ed Stoke «k Bakeky, Cvirner of King anJ Fort Sts.. Honolnln THOMAS LINDSAY Mannt'.i’tHrin>j Jewelet and WatdiTnaker. M Inerny Klooh. 403 Fort. Str. Honolnlo l-\ GrJ*:iLTZ. HAS KE OPEN KO HIS Boot and Shoe Store, Oppt»s t« the Club Stab!e on F<irt Sireot. and will be glad to his olJ fnends. mav7-tf.