Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Why This Secrecy. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Why This Secrecy.

Thf. Sm Francisco N>ws Letter , :s with one of ihe lvintt <levil-j tijat have taken np their abo<ie in all royalist newepapers. lt savs that ouly p>er>ons registereti forthe late eleotion 4< < i» the real number —P.C. .1 -ri f»Vr ‘ The Adverti*er pablisljed tbe i aboat statement a few dayg ago.' We beg to ca!l the attention of onr esteemed contempnrary to the f<cMh»t *■ e S>« Fnt< - .Ve»/ s L*tf*r never said anvthing of the kind. It sbitetl that at the time of the mass-meeting on Palaee Sqnare on!y -Ī00 h t<lre-j g stered and we do uot see how the AJvt'rtiM r ean t <ke excej)tion t<» such ;» statement, whieh it kuow» to be a fact. It is t<>o bad that the Roy«list papers have u j mouopoiy on tbe ‘lviug devils.’ hen tlie ><-r says tbat 4<hX) voters registered for the btte |eIection, we are mciined to be- j lieve that the morning orgvn has iufringeil <m the patent right of tue Royalist pai»ersand “borr<*we»l” oue of the lyii-g devils. Bat j who e<u koow? The goverument j preserves the deepeat s leuce iu regard to the results of tiie elee- ° ; tiou. Not a syllable is published , to show huw many registcred who thev were, how mauy :tre now ex-l Americans, who took the oath' “before Alraighty God ’ with u protest and a saving clause. howi mauv voted and how roany used tho cummulated b:illot. After any previous eleelion full statis-i | tics have been j»repared and pub ■ | lished as soon as tlie retnrns were ; in, but in this instance the govornment wraps itself in its eloak of grief aud disappoiutraeut aud preserves a sullen sileuce. Of conrse theie eau | . onlv be ouo reasou for such an; attitnde aud that is that the gov- . enuuent is hearti’v asliaraed of the results uiul feels liumiliated by coiuing forward with cold ■ figares tii.it will stamp it before I the world as an uuserupulous, ilving junta tliat Las used all , ; meaus and everv fa!sebood to 1' , • create the erroneous impre.ss;ou abroad that it controlled the[ majority of the legitimate votors! i i Hawaii and was backed bv th<people. Hardly iOOO Uyitihi<tle vofers weut to tlie po!ls and in t >at amouut are included every jgovermaeut oliieial, everv heue ’] liciary of the treasury, every bull | j duzed iu private annex‘,atiou finus aud tiie usu.il gaug ' of hypocr:tes. lic.i-spittles and ‘ sycoph iuts who Lang on to the t il of every ri>ing moteor and ‘ drop it as soou as the fiims\ ■ fahric is in its descent The governmeut ia afraid of furnishi ° ; mg the oOieial resalts of the last electiou. It hides itse f iu a most coward y ui itiner bebind all kind of subterfuges and lame excuses. > but. utvertheless, the Ameiiean | people knows tod iy thatCommis -iouer 31ount rīo'ht when l;e s»id th«t in oase of an eleelioii , aot one in ten w..uld v<*te for au- . nexHtiun or for the p. g Away with secre< v, Mr. Dole, the eouutrv i> eutitled to >ee what vonr goverument is doing. wbat it i> worth, and of what kiud it is If it is backed by a majority, how ever small, Iet it remain as long as that majoritv i> willing, but if it is. a> indications show, based upou a m»>st insignificant miuoritv of aliens and onlv existing bv beiug propped up by the bayouets whieh Stevens sto!e and haude«l to the mercenary hirelings tl.at follow those iu power. then let it disapj>ear quietiy andj peacefv.lly before it is wiped out 1 in as ignouminoosly a ruannera> that iu whieh it was created.