Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jLm.r>ire Saloon, * J.KMES OLDS. PBortrrro». Fid6 tfine$, Liqnoi% Beer, alwats ov hajtd. Corner N'aauu and Hote! Suceta T?t V'0 , 2II. Po«t Offl« Boi 1<T7 E-Ubiisbed 1863 Pioneer Steam Candy FACTOrtY E1CKĒBI al 1CE eP.EAM PARLORS F. HOKX, Proj)rietor. H 'e<ldinQ nnd Birthday Cakes to Order. Fancy Bread and Gunva Jelly. Fact rv auil SL'rc, No. <1 King S?treet. Both TeIephones 74 aj)2H Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Ii»voice of the celebrated JOHN WEILANH EKĪ^A PALE LAqEF^ BEER. Ai.sc, a Fbesh Iwoioe of C/\LI fO l/\ oysjEF^s FORQTSTEfl COt*KTAlLS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. / ,Sans Sonci HŪTEL, WAIKIKI, UUNOLULU. Firs{-Class Aeeommooa ■ tions for fouris{s and /sland Guesfs S UPERIOR BATH!NG FACILITIES. Prmte Cottages for Farvi!leS. T. A. SnJPSON. Manager. OHEAP FURNITURE ! VING EAT & Co. Corner of King and Bethel Sts., Honolulo, Otfer a large assortment of fiue aud dcsin»ble F L R MTURE. Ahioh thev sell at a wn low fipure. Bedstfc*da, Bureaus, Meat Safes, Wardrobes, etc., at prices to suit everv’body. Call and ’inspect foryourselves. mar 12 VING FAT 4 CO.