Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 111, 12 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
E. M 01N Bf^O IMFORTERS AND DLALEFui IN Oroceries, Pro\isions A5T) Feed, EASX.CORNER FORT;.t KINOiSTS. New Goods Rec'd Bv every Packet from the Eastern States anJ Euroj'e. Fresh California l’nAlaee bv everv - steamer. A!I oniers faithfullv attendtxi to. »nd Go 1> «ieliveiecl to anv part of the city FR£E 0F CHAl*C»E. Islan 1 OrJers Solicit<'.l. Satisiaction Guarante»il. Po>t Office B«>i N>. 14ō. N 9"2.
Annual Meeting 0F THF HAWAHAN Joctev Clul). r JUXE 11. 1894. OlMal Programmo tk~ Races io Commence ' at 10 a. m. Sharp. lsr —BICYCLF RACE. Prize Siiver Medal; 1 miU (,bsh. Free for all. 2— HAWAII PLATE ♦ Runniug Race; 1 mile dash. Free for ali. 3— HONOLULU PL.\TE $ Trotting affd Paciug. I HariiO's: 1,40 c'ato. Free for all. Mile heats; besl 2in 3 4— OCEAXICS.S.UO’S CUP.| ADDEi). Ruaning Race; 1 miie dash. For Hawaiian bred. )— PR ESIDE N T WIE MAN N S CUP, I . ADDED. Runniug Haee; 14 mile dash Free for ali. 6— PARK PLATEI Trotting and Pacing; 2:40 class. Free f<»r a!I. Mile heat; best 2in 3. Pacers to go to road oart. 7— KALAKAUA PLATE I Trolting Kiee; 4 mile uash For Huwaiian bred. 8— KAUAI PL.\TE $ Running Race; 14 mile dish. Fur Hawaiian bred. 9— JOCKEV CLUB PL\TE * Trottin’and Pacing, t > h irne-s Free for all. Mile heats; best 3 in 5. 1' —ROSlT.\ CHALLENCE CUP, * ADDED. Hnnning Race: 1 nule d;ish. Free for ali. Winner lo best rec)rd of Angie A. 1:4)4. 11— KA.MEHAMEHA PL.\TE$Trotting and Pacing. to harnes-. For Hawaiian bred;: mile heats; be?t 2 in 3. , 12— PONY R.\CE* Rnnning Race i m *l® da»h, For Hawaiian bred P »nies; 14 haudsand under;catch we ght 13— MAUI PLATE * Trottingand Pacing. toharnes.' 3 minute clars. F‘>r Hi v ii;.-n bred. Mile hea$s; best 2in 3. g0~\\\ entrivs are to b- made with the Secretary. at ihe oiliee of C. O. B rger, on Merchant -Kiee*, before 2 r M Wednesday, June 6th. 185)4. alwhieh timethey will dose. Enti v fees t > be 10 per cent, ot the I»urse, un)e»s otherwise spec : āed. Ali rac e are to be run or troited under the ru’es of the Jo>key Ciub. 10 Ali horsess ar
’ <urt unK*s? withdrawn hy 12 | o'eloek no> u, on June ''ih, 1S',4. h*>r*' iou<tapi rar on the tra«'k at the lap of the hell fr«»m the Judiif ? rtar.«i; othern -«e they will be tinerl. General adtlni!s»jon '»0 oents Graa.i stanti (t stra) . j0 oents ind $( Carri**?j [ius»tk o( conr~sj e»vh $2, 'O Qa»rt«jrstreteh b*ilgvs $2, āO AV. M. Clillārcl, < cret..n H <w ui \n Jockey Club. mav 10—2 wks Jiv S| 1 i J Last Throo 1\ ooks ! • DAILEY’S* Stock Company The Reigning FavOritea !■ SJTrilD.IV M.1TIXEE and E\‘EXIXG “l/nele Toiri's Gabh" Prit‘es 50c., 75c. aml sl. for sale at L. .T. Levey’s rootns, corner Fort ami Queen sts. May7-l\v BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT 13usiness of a Fi<lndarj- Nature T«nsacte<l. Prompt attention giren to th<* fnunag«ment ot Estates, Gnardianahips, Trusts, etc., etc., etc. Ojpiaes, : C<x.iv.'right Buildmg, Merchant Street. Honolnln. 1)AX. LYO.VS D/\HCINQ cl<\sses Meet «t Arion Hill everv TnĒSDAT aml FRIDAV KViCNING>, at 7t> clock A!so. on evor\- 8atobi>ay Akierx ><>n at 2 0’eloek. Tuition, *2 > cents f r et*ch L**seon, and satisfaction 2 iartntoe«l or no charges made. m«y S—tf H. MAY & Co, Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Street. - Honololu Familie«i, P!antations and Ships supp*ied with ehoicest Earopean & Ameneun Grocrries California Produce by Every LSteamer.