Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — "General" Hatch. [ARTICLE]

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"General" Hatch.

Mr. HuU h. iainister of foreign jtflmrs, is ou (lie \varj>ath and aftor tlie A'ln r(< <»■/• « scalp, beeaaae in ono of its bome niaUo rumors. tl o morning org>n rotiect«al o.i tlie fidelity, and bravery of that wonderful eonglomeratioa called tlie ariny. Mr. Hatch wlio knowa as mueh about militarv as Sojter does gets quito emoiiona), aiul with so«Kling toai-s running down his 11 ; sal organ, lie exclaims: “Jf you were aware, Mr. Kditor. liow dooplv the sense of lionor whieh ealla for fidelitv nuder circ inistancos of danger is cherished by soldiere, you wonld be slow, I am sure, to c»uselessly discredit thero bv vagne and \vholsome imputations.” Now that isu’t bad for Hatch. Hut we would like to kuow wuen and whero he ever learued anvthiug about what soldiere cherisli t>r not, and then we shnuld advise hitu rot to desc .nt to uineh ou the ** ionor of his anny. The nH*ords of Oahu prison have not yet been destroved. aml the truth is vet in ruan’s memorv, •% 7 I whou a large number of the j>re sent honorable (!) truo blue (! 1) aud faithful i ' ! !) heroos wore as h»norable('l truo blue aud faithful ( *’) when they drew their jmy from the uiou;«rchical , (reasurv, aud ou tfce 17th of Januarv stotHl ready to lav down nud die at the poliee station for Queen Liliuokaiani. We only j>ra\ that the ministcr of foreign aflairs will encase hmiself iu a uuifcrm, monut a steed and lead the army.