Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
J£mr>ire Saloon, JAVI?> OLD>. Pbchi*to». Fing Beer f ALWAT8 C\ HaXD. CoratT Nua»n'a Hotel Streets naūrr->p-. >ac 041. Pwt OSoe Boi 10T Ertabiiāhe<l 1&63 Ploneer Steam Candy FACTOilY EACKERT Ml ICE CREAIPARLOSS F. HOKN. Proprietor. If ‘cdfling and Birthday Cakesto Ordcr. Fancy Brcad and Gunva JeUy. Fart rv au’i Stor<*. No. il K’ tj; St- et. Botb Telephones 74 *p2M Criterion Saloon PFU AUSTRALIA. auuthei Iuvoiceof the celebruted JOHN WEILAND PA L E ta LAqEF\ beer/ a Fkesh Invoice of Cf\ LlpO^NU\ 0ySJEF^S fob oysjE(^ cookj/\i:ls L. H. DEE, Proprietor. Sans Sanci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, liONULULU. ■ < v4r First-Class Aeeommooations for foLrists and /s/and Guests 9 UPERI0R BaīHI\G FACILITIES. Pr yate Cottages for Fam!ieS. T. A. Sl MP80N. Manager. UHEAP fu;einiture i yme fat & eo. Con»er of Hirg »nd Bethel Sts., Houolulu, Offer a large assortment of fine and dtsirub!e FU II > ITU R E, *hich t jey aell at a very low figure. Ile«t8teuds, Bureaos, Meat Safes, "\rarvlrobes, ele., at pricts to smt t verybody, Call tnd icspēct for yonr8elvee. nur 12 V1XG FAT A CO.