Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
-Urt u«:!*•<« wt : inv>- by 5 _ i o’eloek no« n. >>n £3T~ \ 1 ■»t a. ; ir ■ the lrack ;»t the tap of the bc!l from the sutml; otherw;.' they wiil be tined. G«uml «dilmis.-.jou. . .'iOoen ;' Uwn>l staii<l {extr>) . ... .’«> cenb> au<I |i >>f o mi» <-.i ei. $A-V> QuBrtcrstretcli $2,30 AV. M.Ciiliard, Seoret rj i! « . tLay Il> —2 wks el 1 v HAWAllAN OPKKA Last 1 lnv»> tvks! • DAILEY’S< Stock Company The Reigning FavOrliea l! THURSDAY KVE,VĪ,Va, Belasfo’s (»reut Come«Iy Suecess. “May Blossom.“ S.iTl UD.lY MATI.\KE ami K\ EXLVG “linele Tor 's Cabin” Pric*es 50«*., 75c. and sl. for sale at L. J. Ijevev’s nx)ius, corner Fort aiui Queon sts. May7-lw 8RUCE&A. J. GARTW3ICHT Busines(i of a Fidnctary Satare Tr.«n'ni.'t<Kl. Prompt attentioa iriven lo the m ir>.:i;naru; of Entates G <>«r'liauships. Tn;sU. etc., etc., etc. 0/)ī.ces, : C‘\ iv riijht Building, Merchant .Street, HonolnU. DAX. LVON'S DAfiClffQ CLASSES Me t t*t Ar on H> I >ve v TTESDAY «ml KilID.\V ' V MN(.l>, at 7 O'e m'k A!so, on evf*rv S\T K AV Arl! .N ’ N ut J2 0’cL.*ck. Taiiion, *2'> oenti f r e eh I. cs--on, »n>l satisf-iction - r nteeJ or no char*fes toa>!e. in • y8-tf Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER- fSLAND PIL0T for Any Port or Landlng in tlie Hawaiian Islan<K lnqnit<r nt oSe.* of J. W Lvta ot«r Spreckei a B«ak. feb Q-T. T0LET. a XICE COTTAGE CO\TAlXISG H dl»;ug-ro*;tn, three be irootr. s . kihthen ele. wiih 5t -b!fcd an«t y»rl sitoate<l on hehool 5treet opt«o*iitfc l>«irt Sliwt Mwol ie itr rjnt. »t a vifry (reason*b!e to ta« r.ght party. I Au»iv oa lite pKtosM to MRS. STEWARD. f maj 2 —lwk_