Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
)-), E, &( Bfjo IMPORTERS AXD DEALERS IN Groceries, I > ixjvisions EAST.CORNER FOBT.Jfc KING|STS. New Goods Rec'd Rv ev»*rv Packet frorn the E.t>t ru S:.ites an*l F.nr pe. Fresh C*liforni« Proioce b\* everv >teamer. All onlers faithful!y attemle 1 t ■>. m.1 (ī'>U !- n ■ i to anv part of tbe eity FKEE 0F CHAGl»E. Islani Or,lers Solicite*l. Sit>fncti Guar *: t, I’ >t Office B«'*x N » 14-). Te!ephone N-'. '*‘i.
TKXTI l Annual Meeting OP THE TIA A\TV IIAN Jockev l'Iui). JUXE 11. 1894. Official Pi-oin'amnie <ST Races to Commeuce at 10 a. m. Sharp. | lrr—BICYCLE RACE. Frize Sliver Meilal; 1 mile dash. Free for all. 2— HAWAII PI-ATE I Ru ming R \c-*; * niile d.ish. Free f- >r all. 3 — HONOLULU PLAIE * Trottii g and F; cing. t Harness; 1.40 c!ass. Fr<;e f<»r all. Mile heats; bsi2 in 3 4— OCEAXICS St’ fs CLT.s< ADDED. Ruuning Race: 1 miie dash. For Hawain n t*red. .5— PRESIDEXT W1EMANN S CUP, * . ADDED. Running R.ice; H 11 i e dash. Free for all. 6— KAPIOLANIj PARK PLATE$ Trotling and Pacing; 2;4U class. Free f<r ail. Mi:< ( heat; best 2 m ■». Pacers t< go to road cart. 7— KALAKAUA PLATE I — Trotting R.ice; 4 mile aash Fur Huwaiian bred. 8— KAUAI PLATE * Running R;*ce; 14 mile d sn For H iwaiian bred. 1)—JOCKEY club PLATE *— Trottingnnd P.icii g, to harness Free f<>r al!. Mile heats; b -<t 3 in 5. r—R0SITA CHALLENC2 CUP. I ADDED. Rnnning R»ce; 1 mile dash. Fr*efor ai 1. \\’inner t<> be-t record of Angie A. 1:4 >4. 11 — K.WEHAM EH \ V LATE Trotting an I Pacing. lo harne?. a . K>>r Hawaiian bred; mile heats; be=t 2 m ■>. 12— PONY KaCE f * Running R <ce ; mi!e dasb. For Kawaiian bred Pouies; 14 h;-.a<isand under;citch we ght. 13— MAUI PLAIE ♦ — TroUingan<l Pacing, tohirne93 minule c!asā. F«r Himmn brtd. Mile heats; b>st 2in ; i. A!1 entries are t |<» ma<b with the Sejretary. ut ihe olhee of C. O. B rger, on Merchant 'treef, hef *re 2 p k Wednes !ay, J jr.e 6th, 181*4. at *h eh time they will elo-e. Eutrv Les to be 10 per ceat, <»{ tht l»urse. un!ee= otbenrise spccintd. |if AU nee - a*<- t > ’>• mn or trotted und*;r ihe ro'«-.» •■{ thf Joc-k-v Clab. A'.l hurs- s- .xi expected