Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oone Hom I — The rem3ins of John P. Parker were laken the Kinau lhis afu-rnoon to Waimea. Hawaii, where tber will be interred in the family vaait at Mina. A funeml service was heKl yesterday afternoōn at the family resi-1 dence where a large nnmber of friends gathere<l to show the deceased their Iast respeet. The| most riora! deoontions i h:»<i been constsnllv sent m since: the deatb of the young mm. and. the display of Howvrs ha< rarelv been equal!ed here. The widow and infant, Mrs Hanai Parker. Hon. Samuel and Mrs. Parker. and Mie Misse-- Parker departed b\' the Kinau to be present at the funeral on Hawaii. Unele Torn's Cabin is billed for tomorrow eveniug at the Opeia Honse. If it does not rain there mav be a b ittal!ion drill, thisevening, on Pal iee Sqn ire. “Billy” Patterson instead of being hit, strack somebodv else bnt the p. g. prosecution against him has been nol pr.«s’d. — The Tii*er has had the science 1 (?) of “Mi«croscopy’’ advertised| for some time haek. but of late have eoine dowu to plain ordi-i nary “Microscopy.” Miscroscopes” are yet on hand. The concert given by the Hawaiian National Bund, at the Hawaiiau Hotel last eveuiug was a most enjoyable performanceaud was listoned to throughout bv the usnal large audieuce.
The “ Eagle House ” The Led.se aud fiie (inod W'ill of thi.s Fnvorite Family Hotel. THEBE ARE FOUR DETACHED C 'tt.igps annex“d to the Hotel suit ib'e f >rprivdte f »mi!ies. The main biiilding contains 20 Bed Rooms I irge Dining R > >m. I’arlor. etc. Tbe fnrnit'ire is all elegint and in g >od conditinn. The Gronn>ls are beautifnlly b»id out in Trees, Floweis. Ferus, and ut'»er Plants. This business ein b • brnight af a b»rgiin on easy terms as to pay ment. App!y to T. E- KKOUS£. Arhngton H>>tel oiliee. may 9-1 \vk. l}ora Lamb. Notary Public, St«nographer and Typewritcr. Ollioe witb J. A. M goon Hono- ) lulu Hale, Merehant Street. may 9-tf. Danciner, y. \ DAM F- RnW A R D F S-MOORE wil! have a €1»-- for AdtPts fr >m 7 i 9 r. m. on »IONDAY> and THL*RSI»AYS at tt>e ARION H.\LL, co>niiiencing May 7th. !T»*rni» p a r month —for Gent, <4 fot C)utdren's Ciass «t 3 p. si. on FRID.\YS. Res deace Eagle Hooae. may-Vlw Empire Saloon, South-East Corher Nuuanu a.nd Hoiel StreetS. ehoiea 7/ines, Liquors £igars A Splendid Ar>ortment of lp , r of vr ED F\^ ,l y Wi(ies Port <f Sherry. 23 YearS o!d. E. N. REQUE, my3 3ui Mauager TROMAS LINDSAY Mannfadaring Jeictla ani Watekmaktr, MolMray Biook, 405 Fort, Str. Hoaahla