Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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iUST ARRIVED. W w vap V - BABY - CARRIAGES iL OF .VLL STYi F-S. e RUQS. IX THFQLATEST.l'.VrTEKNS. “HOUSEHOLDj SEWING MACHINES Haxd Sfwing Ma( Hines, tlTAll \\ uh the L\ti st I:i ; rm>i;:-!iS ’,J_J - PAULOK * : Ors:aiis, Guitars Aad Otht-r Musical luHlmuieuu f Wines, Liquors, Beer always;on hand, and FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLi EGER & C0. K;n3 St.. oppo. Castle .t Cooko’s Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA," | Another Invoice of the Wonhl Henowne»! FREDERICKSBUBG LAGER BEER On dranght and hy tho teg. Alao, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS, FOH C(X:KTAILS mayl 3m:* Chas. T. Gulick NOTARV public For the Islaud of Oahu. Agent to Take Ackno»r!edgajents to Labor Contracts. Agent to Orant Marriage l.ieen ses. Honolulu, Oahu. Ageut for the Haw'n Islands of Pm 6i Scorr*s ajul Parcels Express. Agent for the Bar’ington Koaie. i Haai Estate Mer anl 5eaerīl Ar^t i Bell Tel. 348; Mat. Tel. 13»; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: Ko. 38 MERCHANT 1 btreel Hoooluia H. I