Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Tff e Anheu<er-Busch Brewing Co. ' xV »n: the t the WV)r*lcL ? S with their Jl]AGL J3rand J3eer. St. Lolts. Oct. 28 1893. ! MES8ia. Mactarla.\e & Co., L’d , Honolnln, H. I. De<ir S:r*: — V> e b:\ve nuiileel yon a copv of the Globe-Democrat annonn gre it viotorv won by the Ānheuseb-Bcsh Vssoci\tion with t!ieir ‘ EAOLE ’ Braml of Beer. [SigneJ] ANHEl >EK-BCSH BEWIXG ASSOCIATION. m Sfa.ERtWED(y7£ % Sfe % JWVBE * SPf|| ' R L 1 fci * © m lu orderiug this Beer besuretoask for the ‘ EAGLE' : Braud. Aiacfarlane <fc Co., Mar. I4- ’Jud. Agents jor Uauaiian Islands. AT THE CLŪB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourtii Hcat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Piwiip:, r. 2,30.'». by BI-f Bull. 7.'»: D.im. Orace, by liucciueer, 2,606. Promptt |isHls<. Uie Mr> «f Aj>e\. 2:26; Tr.in.sit, 2:26;; \V>ilker. 2:iii; \Vales, 2:27 .; Chico. 2:21 UnJ of the D ims Dnlliantiue, 2:17 ami Vigor, 2:2S. “(?kkole” is jet hluek, ouē hin • \rlotu .i ■. I ...il ... /. .. II’ ; I r\ —, \ , . . ” — v/r\r«*i.r. in Ui UK, OUG UIIK white KkiI aua niuall str;j>e iu f*re. Weiuhl, 1,07*0 ponu.N; is very stvlish, <—ntle, i good prodncer -m I s uu>* r ioe horse, Will stand for a !imited numbJr of m*rw's' Hl-1\ ($,>01 DOLLAitS FOJl THE SĒAS0X, payable «t time of service. This hors< was bred in 1802 to forty-six mares aud produed>l forty-two co>ts. fcb 17-Im 13 HDAV1S. ORI)ĀVAT & POEĪEE, Robnu»>n B!ocl\ Hotc\ -S7„ helween F>»rt and Xuua, u Huve Jnst ltct:vd.]u I sfe Anixals, He I Mpest Stcck of FUB NlTlT’iE Ever Irap0rted to C.is Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solicl Oak, ando/the LATESTDES/GXS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TO THESE SETS; WICKER WARE, Beint ful Dcs gus «>f Wioker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, C'dALBS, EOCKEI»S, eto., vou ean get these in onv FINL8H vou desire. . CHAIRS, Coauiless numbers of CHAlRS. iu even* stvle, includiug 0FFICE and HIGH CHAIES. ESTElTSIOIT TABI.ES, We bave had a number of calls for these T:.bles, \vith CHAIRS to raatcb. M e have nt>w in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and Chiffoniera DIVAKTS.’ei D vans covored with PORTIERS are becontiug qnite the rage in plaee of LOl'NGES-we mtnufacture them to order. and have a laige stock of FORTIERS to select from. BEDDIITG-. Gre «t Assortment ofWOVEN' W1RE M.\TTREiSSES—Spring. H «i Moss. Wool and Straw Mattresses ou band and made toonle UVE GEESE FEATHERS «nd SILR FLUSS for P.iiows. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. M XNDOW SHAD£S of all colors and si**a, CORMCE POLES, in wood or br«&a trimuiings EEPAIS11T(3-.' jMattresses, Lounges *nd aii Cphoistered Farnitare repaired : ryasonable n tes. CABINET MAKIXG, ia*all its branches, by Compeaent Workmei (MATT1NG LA»D «nd Iut rior Decoratiug uuder the Sapervisiou < Mr. GE0RGE 0RDWAY. Oar Goo»ls are F*rst Cisss. and enr prioes are the Iowest Cou and be c-nviuetd—a uiai is sdic;ted. Belt 52ō. telephones; Mataai 645. QBDWAY 4 P0RI£B. Robmaon Biock, fqrt and Nmu$