Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 Mei 1894 — Art Exhibition. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Art Exhibition.

The stn.lio of Mr. D. Howard H tolicock has been throwu open f(»r public inspection during the past fe\v il »vs aml the invitation ' 1 - j conl:allv extemled by this well kuowu H iwaiian artist has beeu iaken aclvantage of by a nnmber of laclies and gentlemen inelueling residents nnd tonrists. The exhibitiou is eutirely of the artist’s own haudiwork as shown in finished sketches and stndies of views in gav Paris, landscape views of ehoiee bits of Hawaiian soenerv and interesting reprodnctions of the ever-changing condi | tion of Ha\viii's hent ige, the i palaee of M-ulame Pole, the i active volcano of Kilaue i. A pleasur >bie opportnnity is given for lovers of art to visitthe studio tomortuw and on Monday. Several of his pictnres have al ready been spokeu for by {)leasecl patrons.