Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
"Uncle Tom" at the matinee tomorrow. Tbe borings at Pearl River bar, are in progress. Mr. Walter G. Smith still retains his position as editor of the Star. Crescents and Hawaiis tomorrow afternoon at tbe Recreation grounds. The shady bowers at Sans Souci are thronged with lovers of Waikiki. The p g, band will not play at the baseball match tomorrow afternoon. The "missionaries’’ in the League intend a coup in the club election. New furnitnre and flooring h«ve been added to the attractions of the Anchor. Family wines of old age and purity is the boast of Manager Requa at the Empire. Concert by the p. g band at Emma Square tommorow afiernoon, commencing at 4 o'eloek. The clang of the fire-bell is now rarely heard in the towu. Insurance agents are happy. Mr. D. Howard Hitchcock will be pleased to see visitors at his atelier tomorrow morning and aft-er-noon. A. W. Bolster, the popular photographer, at the Aloha gallery. Fort street, is receiving deserved patronage. . Don’t omit getting tickets to the trip to, and in and about Paris at Kawaiahao church on ncxt Monday evening. The Honolulu Cricket Club members will meet at the old re creation grounds for practice, tomorrow ufternoon. Kummel cocktails as eoncocted bv Major Wolter's seem to be very mueh appreciateJ by lovers of a tasty mixed drink. A new vault has been ordered for the Palaee from tho Diebold Safe and Loek Co., of Cantou Ohio. The price is to be $2 350 "East Lynne,’’ “Shaughran, ’ “Mulcahey’s visit" and “The Crushed Tragedian” will constitute next week’s bill by the Dailev Co. Hon. Samuel Parker who went to Hawaii this afternoon with the remains of his son will return to town with his family by the return of the Kinau. — The orchestra at last evening’s performance at the theatre was led by Mr W. B Ash and performance of the Hawaiian Quintette Jr. was pleasing. - The breaking waves dash high at full tide, on the sandy beach whieh lines tbe water front of Col. Sherwood’s comfortable bathing plaee at Long Branch. Cars pass the door. — Well. well! notwithstanding all the Portuguese band-playing and Sunday rifle-shooting and the pull of the League. the Sunday Bill has been indefinitely postponed. The Star will screnm with anger. Boat-building, especially raceboat building is an industry whieh should be able to succeed in this community, especially when racing may be engaged in the year round. Mr. W. Ingate Ball a very capable boat-builder, and who has received a gold metal for his work, is about to engage in business bere. his shop being located on Palaee Walk opposite Likelike street.