Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

— I Tne Advertiser who catcbes I I i)er>ons eve osaally 'vic> ;i custonier. M:inv ditferent >h'es i >f advertising h.»ve been adopte*,i iinl witb mope or Iess sucee—. > >y ihe believers iu tbe use of prin-; ters ink. The mannf icturers of Pears So«p, for insUoc6, oecoston jil»y bnv paintings t! it have beeu on exhibitiuu in tho Pari's iSalon and have lithogtapbs made froui them for the purpose «f |bringiog tbeir prod ict before the people. In addition t) snch side issnes, Pearspeuds handredthous;snd.s of dollars annnalle among the nevvspapers and mag , •izines. Sonieyear? ago the Agent> iof certain artiele on >ale iu New i*ork made a bit in advertising by having on Broadwav during bosD * D mess hours two fatluessly dressed Negroes wearing very high collars. : on the b tcks of whieh was priuI ted “l*se S uitli> Pj1!s. The j idoa was novel and tlie public • caught on. Iiising Sun Stove Polish has beeu kept before the pnblic for years through persistent, aud espensive advertising. Twenty otld years ago the mannfactnrers of this polish started half a dozen inen acrossthe omimenl to paiut signs ; on rocks aud fouces. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have iu- 1 creased its sales more than five i bumlred per cent in two years by j the use of printers ink. AVe beheve we have been instrumental in increasing the siles of t!,e | Aemotor by keepiugever!astingl_\ at it in Hawaii. We do not wish to say th.it advertising will sell auy manufactured article; tfiere is no usc spending money in advertising "eheap and nasty” goods becanse the people will not be hoodwinked. If Haviland C!iina was not the superior urticle ,it i>. all onr advertising of it wonhl not have sold the thonsand> of pieces that we liave. W’e simpiy eall the attention nf tho people to it and its superior qualitv is ap|>areut to the custoraer directlv a pieee of it is examined. Printers ink has helped the saie of tbe James Locked Eenee bnt it wouhl not have dones so if it had lieen as flimsy as the or dimv wire fence. First; the economv there is in bailding it reeommendit to the plantatiou manager and th_en its durabi!ity clinches the the sale. If the stays aml washers cost as mneh as an ordin.ir\ redwoo<l post our sale> of tbt material would no* have reached sueh enormous proportions. Our average salo of the Pansy Iron Stove is aboot two a day the year round. If was not the best irou stove on the raarket we wou!d not sell that nianv m six inonths. Advertising is tlie tip the puhlie tho good points in thearticie seils it ju-t as the good qualities of the Fiseber Stet* Range make it a desirable article for {\eople who wish toeconomise in the ose of £uel.

We bay only what has proTen| i £»ood after people iu the l’uiieil j .'itates or Earope h>tve given ;t » j triul; we profit by their esperince I if the artioles are goo*xi we boy ! un<l sell them; if they are poc>r ; we steer clear of them. When : we adverti.se an article it is lo at- ! tract attention to it; the newspaper is the bntton we pnsh, tbe s&lesman does tbe rest. Persistent advertising conpled I with the articlo being a superior j | one has sold tbonsands of the Frank Walcot Eraory File. If it I had been no better than an ordinary scythe stone we pmbrblv would nok have soM twenty. When a m*n £nds ont that Lis t»b!e taives may be keplshjrp at ( ul! times at an expj>nse of fift cents #nd a veiy litt!e elhow greaso be ia qnite willing to īr the eiper»ment. Ae Hafanas Haiiware Ca. 307 Fort Street