Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 May 1894 — A Straight Tip. [ARTICLE]

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A Straight Tip.

Wh»t arf these islaii ls couing too That qbestiwu uow 1 ask? Congtvss <ion't know what to do To »il itis » task. i We wish tbey\i give ns &>nse reply Or send (lispat<.'b<-s oe’r. Aud give us y»tire’s legai rights l’pon our N'ative &hore. : We h»ve w»ited very patiently i lu » peaeelul sort of w»y. I think its Ume. th»t we stepp<sl in And bave a word to s»y. Those P. G’s h»ve eonille*! u* »11 .And turned ns frum otu door, j They have juled us for our taxes loo l'pou our Native shore. Those nohle gosp«l sharpen Were tke lirst that did eumhīae. X ) To form a rebel Army Yet, asJdissioo»nes tbey shioe. j They cast their Bībies aii astde Their worsh:p tben they soi i. And forme>l a scbeme amoog their team - To steal the NaUie'a guid. Those M;ssKjnan.es »nd Iheii soa» h»v* | fonnei ; That emei outrageoas “oatk, They deprived us of oar <hu]y work Heeauae we woald not vote. , To onr tjuee3 we srili are loy»I ; 'V fc have prove4 it oe'r »nd oe^ ; And w»i>t no Pv G. sand-bags i To adom our S»tsve &hore. The rime is dr.»wing to » ciose For the P. G’s tale of woe, Tbe Bacgt'* wii! soon «ume steaming m Aud »top at N.wol i*j». The >»yfa< news th.»t she will briug Will make the P. G’s gn*aa Whea they he»r onee inoie that laue Wīll be piiee-i upon her Throne. A XArtvi, , jy