Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 110, 11 Mei 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


— [\V« do noS h»la <Mxr>*t»rs Trspo3«'bl« fo? j lb» opiuioi» or UUraaor> of corpespoad«nt*.i Errron Holomua; Hard times--no business- -n» ranney in eirculati9n suoh is. and has been the general ontcry in Hinolulu for somet:me past, but this cannot be so as we h tve j mude observations poiating ju>t \ to the coutrarv—. long as an\ comraunity is ahle to indnlge ie all t : :H j>le »>nr> > ind foilies cou eeiwhle. such as fomne tbonssnd doT >rs w -rth of president per m nth, fifteeu !> indr> d dolI;tr> w<>rtli of «uusic and frorn 10to $lō { wortb of tin>oldiery j>er month ' and other cost!v • allotrea tLere j caunot be any scarcitv of raoney ; — >ud if yon don t beheve me, a-k Mr Dole be will tell you all : about it Nero was plaving the fiddle while Home \vas burning In consequence of the ti'>uri>h inggood times under tbe “ver\ best goveruim>ut Hiwaii ever had.” the Ao -erti*er and j have seeu fit to rai>.e the snbscription of their papers 50 per ceut. just iu order to reiieve the people somewhat of their overburden of wealth--and onlv for charity’s sake. U hat does the Slar and .!</»• - ti*er men mean bv sj>eaking always of “our young Hawaiian republic? Are they really so iguorant of uot kno\ving thedif-! ference between a republicau j government and a provisional oligarchic»I junta? Or do thev not kuow tliat a repnblioan form of government is absolutely not wanted by Dole, Sm;th .V Co and in case tliat a rejmbiic should be esfcablisbed, wliere wonld tliese worthies together \vith tho A h erlh*cr, St ir aml tlie halanee of the missioaary g-mg eome iu' Now bere! Therefore again—republic ! is not wanted. Amebica.v.

Editok Holomua. From :t le:iiling article iu the A'tveiii*er of May 10, we observe that fear has onee more enterecl theranks of the P. G., aml this causes little womler, as guilt breeds eowanliee. Onee a<rain. we say to the A'h:erti<er, thut the | P. G neeel have nn fear of an np- : rising of the Koyalists, as they never get lost eoiihilenee in U. S. doing ainpl * justieo to Hawaii. The “dead shots” of the citizons guard. whieh the A<h:ertiser boasts of. strikes no terror in the soul of a sing!e K >yalist; and : God forbid that the dav should ever eome, that the p. g. should order their dead shots (from Kalalau', to assemble, as the public are well aware as to what happened to the I’. G. deadshots wheu thev did meet the lioyal dead shot. Doubt!esr> if a ' fight did tuke plaee, tho writer of | that editonaI w>uld be found stowed away in another man’s cellar. Bear in mind this Mr. 1 Advertiser, that: “Thrice arraed . is he, who bath his quarrel just ” -M. X. O.