Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 109, 10 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

i ?tart unie— w thdr wn hy 1o*cUx‘k nc» u. on J iw "th. i VK 4. tn 't »; i ir u " the tr»ck al the tap »>1 the 1>* .1 froro Ihe iu-le-' aian.i. .>t:ierwise they will bc huoi. iIpCcr*l .10 wnt' i'.nu i st»n.t [e\tnj .V* c»iiss anil (l i’Brn*ge [iostiie v{ c»nrs« ] • ,toh Qa*rteriti>ftch Oi jw W, M. (1 illāiil. S cr t r\ Hnv »ittn Jocāey t'l .1«. inaN 1'♦—wks dlv .L’l. I! Nii Last Thiw W»‘(“ks! • DAILEY’SStock Company The Reigning FavZritea l\ THi:RSl)AV RVRX!Xir, Belascos Great Suecess. “May Blossom. " S.JTl’RD.ir M.tTI.\KK and R\'E\LVG ‘‘llnele Toiri’s £abm” Prices 50c., 75c. an<l sl. for sale at L. J. L<*vey’s r»><'ms. conier Furt and Queen sts. Mav7-1 w 8RUCE&A,J. CARTWR1CHT Businesi» o( a Fi<lociary N«tnn* Trfnsacte»l. Prompt attcntiou gireu to the maiuk£emeut o( E.-»tittes, G ’.»niiiU-stiij». Trasts, etc., etc., etc. . Ojfw.*, : Caiirright Buildttuj, ; j Merchant Street. Hnn.'laln. I)A N. l,YON'S □A.NC!NQ cl^sses Me t Ar oa H < : l «verv TUESDAY«nd FRIDAY V:V MNG>. at 7 O'e'oek. AIso. on every S.vt B;>ay AktEHN > v ut 2 0’eloek. Tuition, 2ū cents f r e.ieL Les-.-on, c»n»i satisfaction H’ijr ntee»l or no chargeR ma»le. m “V 8—tf Capt. Wm. Davies, !NTER-!SLAND PIL0T *roH. Any Port or Landing in the Hawaiian IslantLs. iuqnire at offies of J. S. o»er Sprcckel's Bcmk. (eb i,-T. T0LET. &NICK COTTV'.F, COVTVlVING Jx»rlor. elinuiK-pom. throe be0r<x>m*, • iutcn -n etc. w)th et>b!ea ,«n»l »»rge var> s;t u’.e-i on Sch»»>l .'itreet opt> s te F,rt i»trw;t Sc tool us f r r-ut, »t j very InAioaih.e (iir’ire to toe rgist p»rty, Appiv on the freni : to MKS. eTE« ARI>, 1 1 uay i—iw*.