Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — Doctor Trousseau's Will. [ARTICLE]
Doctor Trousseau's Will.
“The la>t wīll aii'l te.st mien: of | G. P. Tron>'.-iu m.uie M ircb ii D<‘|'OsiteJ on s«me date ■ w,th Btuce A A. J Cirtwright Pit*«>e open «s soou as you hear he:»r of my death.'‘ Sneh is tbe su}»**rsiTi; tiou on a linen envelope e<l witb its contents in the Ckrk’s <‘Sico of t the Judici«rv Departuient. Below .;re given sorae e.\truots from tbe*document‘ “I. Ge<<rge P’nilij!pe TrO ’.ssean, , h >rn in P«ris, Frunce, the firstof Mav, 1833. residing m Honokilu, and now a Hawaiian sabject, do iiake and pnblish this my last will and te.st,uuent. I h» reby i appoint «s my execntors Bruce Cartwright and Hugh E. Mo n-| tvre the pioyīsion merchant with- j ont bouds, thanking them fur- : thermore for their troub!e. They will oppose absolnteIy anv interference from t!ie French Consnl .te in my aflfairs. as I am a j Hawaiian snbjcct aiul wish to 1 dis!.oso of my propertv according 1 to Hawaiian law. Let my funer ; al be as inexpensive as possible mid bury me in tlie Makiki eemetery in a lot belong to t!ie native , woman Ma kauoe, who is Iiving on niv premises A simple mar j b!e slab witb the following inscri(>tion will be snfficlent: ‘G. ; !P. Tronsseau. born in Paris, France, lst <'f M-»y, 1833. Died in Honoluln (dute).’’ Tbe test»tor then makes a c <mplete dispos tion of lus entire estate, real aml person«l, to ; Ma kaiioe. He directs tbat evcr\ ; ! ttiing be sold and all t!ie mort- 1 [g.iges paid ont «>f tb.e proceeds. ; M ikauoe already bad t!ie deed i of tb« M ikiki housc and b»t, aiso i tbe doctor’s life iusurance policy 1 bad heen trausferred to lier With regard to bis book drbts tbe testator says: “Coilect every- ■ thing very strictly. 8ue withont ! mercy tlu»se who ean pay. I | have done auy a'iionut of gratuitous work not appearing on tbe books.’’ Iu conclnding the testator ; jraakes tbe f 'lb wing character- j ! istic remarks: “I die poor and I am ouly sorry for ber sake. as | I never bad any love for raoney , aiui alwa\s badenoogh. J Ihauk . I vou ithe execut<«rsl both for the I • i troub!e vo i will take aud w.sh yon good bye. As f«ras I am j concerued I am t;red of life aml j ! wish for death.’’ Tbe will is j signeil witbout tbe doctur’s mul die uame or initial. The schedule of property eom ! prises the ostnch farm. two lots i ; at Pearl Kiver, lease uf a lot on Waikiki b-acb; boats, steam 1 , iaunches: h<*uses aud lot on I Puuehhowl street, furniture | books, instruments. horses an«l ■ carriages, book debts and $1000 of trnst fuuds iu Sprecke!s’ bank. —BuUeti n.