Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 Mei 1894 — Should Investigate. [ARTICLE]
Should Investigate.
I TIie eolonial papers whieh spend a gr©at deal of m<mey on i sj>eoi«l telegran>s from a eeiiaiu '' Press Associatiun” sbonld find ; out what kiud of an association. I it is tbat furuishes them vith tbe I uoreliable»ndri.lioulousrot whieh ! ij»j>ears frum time to tirae. The Hawaiian news from tha *'Press 1 Assvciation” is quito aj>jxiiiug. i and tbere are re *sun to suspecl | tbat the uews ongiuates right lu tbe campof the provisional g<vern- j ment iu Hoooluln. A while ago
tue “Pr»rss reportcd : a temb!e w»r in Hava:i w;th a | largenaaiber kil edan<i cnoat!ed We in Honolola h=tve not ret heani about tbat war. L*st inonth another eanani from tb«- { j“Pre« Association” went its : roond in the oolon al p-pei" stttmg that Qaeen Liliookalani ; J w.vs lecturing iu E<igland in her ;royal rol>es. If the eolooial jpaper» bare any repnt%*.ion to ' lose they shonld get a more on. j .and refase to be impose<l on by a ! |suide .«ss- ’ciHtion, Lke tiie o:ie ; referrtxl t ».