Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 Mei 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
. : UST ARRIVED. W -*9 W* W V BABY • CARRIAG£S OF AIJ. >TYLIS. C\F\PETS. Rl)QS, IN' THE L ATEST PA1TERXS. “HOUSEH()LDj SEWING MACHINES Hanp Se\VING Mai hinks, AH With the L«t»-st Iuip:x>vt>in*>nU PAIkLOH Ora:;ms, Guitars* Antl Other Mnsitnl Insfmnent.s ••• • • Wines, Liquore, iyer ALWAYS ON FIAND AND FOR saij: by i ED. HOFFSCHlJ(EG”R 4 C0. K:ng St. oppo ' ‘iistle Cook.'’s Anchor-:-Sa!oon Ex “AUSTRALĪA,” Another of the \Vork! Rooowned FRE0ERICKSBU1G LAGER BEER 0» ilraught aml by tLe keg. Also, as a Spe< ialty. Small Fresh Cilifornia 0YSTERS, KOi l COCKTAlLS raayl 3ms Ohas. T/ Gulick NOTARV public For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take AekQo*ledgtneot£ to Labor (>ont:-»cts. Agent to Grant Marr age Lieen ses. Uonolalu, ‘)ahu. Agent for the Haw’n Islan«Js o! Prrr A Scott’s ī'reight and Parcels Express. Agent for the BQrliogton Koute. Heal Eilale BnLr aai Ee3£Rl A^.l Bell Tel. 348; Mat. Tel. 139; P. O. Bux 415. 0UC1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT 8traet Honoloia _