Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. davii:s. 1 wiLTjzei\ Stevedoi\' ' l ' AVr*ecker. KSTIM\TES AXD CONTf: v T> oX ALL KIXDS OF WOKK. Tht* Sciio»wnor ’Hī. i «n!I rnu r«>;n[.tHy k: wi «h.- (■ «rt n 1 ; Wa..ilaiV Kawaiil'«|»U, M.ikaWi*, K ««enak •w. K ;iki n wl.in,! (• lahn HF >r «?:*:. *:>plr to the C« r uuu, ' Inqniro al Offic* of S. \V.ilker. ov r Sj)jvck*‘l.s' l».mk. |or \Vright Bro» Fort Str .*t LongBranch BATH1NG 1 Es:ablishment. This First-class Iiosort ' bas heen en!argetl hu>1 i , uow open to tbe pahlie. It ’..s the best p'.iee on tbe isl;iiuls to enjoy a batb nml tbere is m> belter plae** to lay orl. Special a *coinmudiitioos for Ladies. Truncars pass tho door »*very baif bo :rand ! on Saturd iys aud Snudays every | tifteen miuutcs. C. J. S H £ R W00D Preprietor Capt. Wm. Davies, \INTER-ISLAND PlLOī r or Any i’ort or Lamlii y i:i llie liawaiiau Lslancls. ln«|nire »t offior of .1, 8. Walk r ot«t Si)us-««‘r!» Il. uk. f«-b U-tf. Empire Saloon, South-East COWEr Nuuanu and Hottl St e> tS. Choic2 Wines f Liquors £Hars A Sp’end <1 ,\s-»rt• ■;■ iu •r‘ 1 1*»* 0 if<zs Port (f Sherry, 23 Y~orS )'d. J E. N. REQUE. my5 3 n M •<> g r BP.UC£ & A. J. CARTWriCHT uf a FidnciArr Nalnre Tr :uwct«>l. I Piumpe »:tf!iQon jot«q to tb« n-.-u: m-m-ai uf G cvrli»a>hi|i«. Tt uu, Hc.. etc.. etc. 0/ho«j*, : Ca iicrijl-t IluiUltn-j , Mer< hjn! 8tn«t. Honoluia. DA\. LVO.Vs |DA,NCINQ CL^SS£S ■ ■ Me«-t )*t Aron H>’l everv T‘ ESDAr»nd F 1ID\Y KVk|SING3, »t 7 u eloek AUo. on evcry Sat> Kd.\y Aftehn , n at i2 O’pi ek t! _ Tu»tio'», 2>c3ntsf re:c'i »:itl s,tisf ictioo g1 >r atee<i j or uo (ua J .