Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The “Eagle Hou»e” The Leaae avd the Guod K 'iii of 1his Favorite Fuīnily Hotel. T'»ebe aes four d*:taCHEO C -tt ic- s :inn*-x d t ' tf e su t ib> f >r pr v t • f •mi | it > 8. Tiv :n;iin bnildi g c>’nt«> is 20 Bed Hooms »''8“ O’n; g Ko-nn. ot<‘ The f irnit' re is m11 el*-gint and n g *od conditi*'fi The Gr*nn is >re beHiitif>d!y l «id <>nt in Tre s, Fl- \veis. Ferns, and ot : ier f’l mis. This bii3iiv8s c>n be br >rght at i a birgiin on e;.sy terms as to pay i ment. to T. E KHOU'E Ar’uigton H> tel oflice. may 9-1 wk I3ora Lamb. | Notary Puhlie, Stenographer aad Tvp>writer. y i ! Officewith.I A AI goon Konolula Hale, .Mvrc nnt 'treet. oiav 9-lf. Daiiciiicj, M > t)AM F. KDW A R D K 8-M >OR 1 «■1. h..ve «i Cla*s> for A<1>1 ts fr m 7 l*> 9 p. m. on *10SI> \\ .- an<l THl'RsI) \YS at t e ARi N HaI.L, cu u>i.encn-g Mav ; 7t - Tvruis p r month—$8 for G**nt f4 for L>di>« Chil*ircti's Ciass at 3 l.x. ou FRIDAYS. Res <tei;0* Eiigie H>»ase. may.vlw NOTKEThe partuership heretofore existmg betweea Fredenck Harnsou aud Artbur rf»irnsou, uuder the firm D«me of Uarnson Bros. »s Cuutractors and Budders, bus been by iuatu.tl couseut diss >lved, uud all parties owtog su.d !irui are hereby uut.fied tuut pa . iuenl of tne same iuu>t be ma le to i redenck Uurnsou, wi,o is authurued to setlle said basiues» wūhm lfairty days froiu dute. Frkdebics Uarbisc.v, Akihle Uarkiso.v. Houuialu, H. I., Mirca 27tb, 18)4 m»r 28 — 1 w. THOMAS LIXDSAY Mannfidurinj Jtvxlet tnd W'.u.d.auūrr. *clxmaq Ekok, «05 F«t, Q*. fUwfat»