Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 Mei 1894 — At The Play. [ARTICLE]
At The Play.
- FmncescH de Himini a tirgedy! upou Ilaliaii life, love j and je«lousv w;-_s presented b\ -! tbe Dailey Co. to a ver\- large »nd fashion;ible aiulienee 1 1 the Opera House l;»st evening. The, stage settings aud accessor es to, the j>lay sli«»wed an enteij«rise| whieli refiects creditably ujx»n j the ui;»nagpmeiit. The chari cters » of tbe cast weie all accepfcably sustained, two calls befor«» the eiuUin being tendered to, Miss N;»uuir3', Mr. Yiuton and Mr. Snow. Following was the cast: Coont Lanciott, (son of Mala;«*st>«).... Darrel Vinton Connt Pa«.>la (his bn>tiu?r).. Mortimcr Snow Pepe, Malatesta’s Jester Chas. Connors M.«Lutesta, I.oH of Uimiui... ,NVm. Bennett (iunlo, Lonl of Raveuna E«l 4 *ir l.loyd Rene. a Tronbadonr W. B. Ash , Cardin.il, ifneud to Guido) W. K. D,«iley Kuight Johu Howanl Frai'ce«ca,(Gui lo’sdaughter)..May Nunnary Retta (httr maiu) Josephiue G,^saiau