Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 Mei 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company

The Advertiser who catches a persons eye usaallv wins a cnstoruer. Many diflerent styles •»f advertising have been a«lopte»l »n«l wttb raore or !«->> sacce>>. bv the believers in the use of printers ink. The maimf.ictnn»rs «*f Pear> S>ap, for iu>t inee, occa>ion , :illy bny paintings that have; i been on exbibitiou in the P.«ri's S.don ;«nd have lithographs made ; fr«>m them for tbe pnrpose «>f br:ng«ng tbeir pr»»d «ct bef >re the j«eople. In a«Mit».«n t-> s ich >ide is>aes, Pearspends bnu.lred> tli<»r.> nds «<{ J<>llars «nna;...y !mong tbe n«wspa{v rs aml nug«tiues. Someyears ag > the tg>nts «>f cert.»iu ;»rticle «..n sale :n New Vurk m «de a hit iu advert sing by , baving on Broadw;ty during bus ues> hours two fatluessly drcss.*d , Xegro«*s wearingvery highc di »r>. •on tlie b-tcks <>f whieh w«s jir uto<l “Use S uitbs P..ls.’’ Tbe , ide.« w>is m«vel aiid tbe pnhlie * caaght on. Rising Sun St«>ve PoIish lias bee i kept before the ; }>ublie f->r ye»rs tlm»ugh persis-: teiit, and sometimes ex{>eu-ive; advertising. Twenty «h1 1 yearsj ago the m:innfactarers of tlr.s j polish started h.tif a dozon men j across the orni nent to paiut s;gus on n>cl»s and fences Tue Aermotor Co.. of Cbicag> have in-; • creased its sales more tlian five bnndred per cent in two years by the use of printers ink. We beheve we have beon instrument«l iu increasing the s<les of the Aemotor by kee|»iugeverlastingly at it in iiawaii. M’e do not wish to sav that advertisiug will sell auy manuLietured article; there is no use spen«liug money in advertising ■‘eheap and nasty” goods bo canse the people will not be hood winked. lf Havil.»nd Oliina was not the superior article it is, all our «dvertising of it woukl uot i have so!d the thonsandsof pieoes that we have. IVe simply ca!l the attention of tlie people to it and its superior qnalitv is apparent to the castomer directly a pieee of it is examined. Printers ink has heipe»! the sab «»f the James Locked Fence bul it wo<dd not h ive donesso if it h.«d heen as flimsy as the or dinay w:r«* fence. First; the econ«»iuy ther«is iu bmhliug it recuinmends it to the plantation inan.ager aml tlien its durability eliuehea th* the sale lf the stays and w,»sb ers cost as mueh as an ordio r\ redwo>>d post our sales of th* material wouUl not have reached such enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pans\ Iron Stove is akoai two a day the year round. If was not the best iron stove on tbe market we would not sell that many in six months. Advertising is the ti|> t» the pahlie the good poiuts m theartic!e seils it ju«t as tbe go««d qualities of tno Fiseher Stee Range make it a desirable artic!e f*«r j»eople who wish toeconomise iu the use of fuel. I | M'e buy on!y what ha.s pmven j good after people in the United States or E ir«»pe have given it « ' trial; we profit by tt>eir experiuce if ihe articles are g«jocHi we boy aud sell tbem; if tbey are p»»or iwe steer clear of them. When ! we advertīse an article it is to atj tract nttention to it; tbe newsi |»aper is the bntton we push, the j salesmau does tbe rest. Persistent advertisiug eoaple»! with the art ele being a sapenur | oae has s >1-1 tboas »a<ls uf the ; Fr.»u4 Walcot Eau»ry File. If it . bad heen ao better tban an or i j diaary scythe stone we probably I i woald not have soid twentv. • | When a man flnds out that his, table knives may be keptsb.rp at all tiaies at -xj* •• of fifty joents -,nd a ver.‘ iiUle elb«w ■ > greus« he is quite wil!iug to try 1 the expenment īli Smii3ī U?3 Cl. I Fort Slreet