Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CH EA H FURNITURE ! YING FAT & Co, Corner of King acJ BetLel 8tn., Hooolala, Offer a large sssortment of fi.ue an<l defūrable Fl RMTURK, * ! icb tliey sell at a v» ry low fignre. lV«ihtends. Bureaus. 31e t J*afes, \Vardrobes. etc., at |>rices t«» Mit evervbody. Call «nd insj>ect for yoojrselves. ui-ir 12 MNG FAT A C0. NA^yU-g[l0^A ,n:STJiKCKIVEI>fn.m .1 Al’AN Several Kind of Cocton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts m different quahties. Ljre&t of porceIain Tea Sets a Sp©cialty ■Japanese Lanterns nnd tnany Cur os suitable for Cbristnias Goods. 411 KING STKEF.T, Honolnlu. Telepbone«, P< 11 474. P.O. Box 3S6. MutuaJ 544. n«13 Ini Criterion Saloon PFE AUSTRALIA, Hiiothcr Imoioo of tbo celebrated JOHN WEILANU EX -TAA PALE CI LAGER Also, a Frf.sh Invoice of eALipOANi-A oysjE^s FOR °Y s T Ef l CQCK|A Ils l. :h. dee, Proprictor. Sans Sonci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, UUKOLCLU. ■*> First~Class Aeeommooaiions for fourists and lsland Guests SUP£RIOR BATHI*G FACIUTIES. Prnfaie Cott*g98 for FarrilieS. X A. S1MPS0M,