Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Per B irk. . Ryant. , Sug ir2;; m u ket ste.uly. E rtluju.ikes have occurred in Greeee ne.ir tlie city of Atbens; i 160 lives l<>st. M"re boinbs have beeu ex|>!odecl at Liege France. The ll »yal Tlieatre was •parl!y demolishe<1. No oue inj<ired Tiie Coxyites had a liard tiiue <n U >stop on tbe 22iul < f A|iril <>n tlie Coiuoion, tiieir speakers beino d<-\vueil by a mob. Seii it -r H gg:us is the person Lttest iuentioaed as the one who is to desires the liuw.ii.an qucstion iu T r.tf arguiuent. t e w ll advocate the uulbticati<>n of tlie Recij)rocity treaty. I The S.m Ft »ncisco is 13 soon go t<> tbe Mcditerr »niun lo relieve tbe Chic.)g >. W.lter Wellm m’s norfb pole ; ex|>ed.tio i left Alesniul Norway . Apr<l 21th. Amoricms at HluefieMs are ver\ ii.ie.sy More N cir.iginii troops h <ve be< u laiul ul. Thej Saii Fr mc sc ) is .<t I\>rt Liimou. | l’he C x vit-s t <ok possessi0u of a N itbern Fac.fio Inio at l»utte, aml bave ruu it s<i far to smt ti.ems: lves Tbere is mueh alann fclt st Wasbingt >u aud the milili» ure m iking . re.).‘nit;oas !to n*ee.ve theiu, lt Ls s>iid Fre» d *ut C evel »ml wili issue a pn*c iiu ti*.m f >r |>e.ice aa 1 <»rder.! I CL »ltr.i is iacreisi.g in L.g b» rn. Tue defenoe >n iha FfiJirick4 iuurder e >se is th.it he did not < kiil e ishier tlerr ek. ' Yonug ‘ G'Jtfo‘’ made a show of Jobnny Gr *fia m a spamng contest iu B<-<ston. I The Aquidabao has beon m»8ed. Tbe. steamer Los Augeles of tbe l*.icific 0<>ist S S C-». nn on a roc’; otf P-> ut Sir neir 51 >at—- ■ er• v «u Aid 21. Eigbt - ves l»st. A terrilic gilo «f \ nsVailiog aloug tbe lriab Coast on Apl. | f*fi» «e*

for tbe aafr*.j of t he Ih>h fisbing fieet. A bill has been introdoced by L«boacher© into tbe CommoQS whieh g ves the lower honse the hgbt to make laws wilhoul the j Lords cot<sent. May wheat so!d on the ‘24th «t :57icts. ihe lowest ev?r known. M'T9 fraa ls tre bring brougbt t» bght in the onlnanee department of the l’nited States.