Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
E l\tor Atherton, eh 7 Frai.ciaco de Keiiā .i t n’g'it. Morgan bas broken tbe Chinese boycott. The old ratg *re deaerliog the ainkii g Star. b »me ex jllent horse slock emie bv in c Iirvant. • * ► No news is yet .tbo:i ihe «lile for liie ‘ l'.ie’ c<»r. veuli<*n. I’eanl n«rb <r b*riug d<>*s u*t <«tiij tu suca a s *ft thng jfl-r »IU * Business is. as asaal very duSi. C.mse iaek of the circulatiug mediam. M rnger Keqn i of the E upier has hst *ady e ill for ol<l wmes | fur faiuily use. Ad-nir;;! iuii.i G. W* i k r li <s pn<ved i s w.<rk r*conl l»y the res1 J * peei te..drred hitu by the e.'iu <. imly. Photographer B >Kter, of the Aloliu gtllery, Fort street li is uiude duu v additiousto hisexcellout loeal vte»vsI, . . Tlie “Kam’a expect to have a new catclier Little “breec!i< s does good work but is hardly 1 heavy eaough — Th<; loeal items in the Star will be furaisbed daily by per S!iuiiiods. Aaother uewsp;tper bght whieh has beeu hid ucder a bushel. ■ A “merry war,” as predieted bv tiie Holomi’a, is now ttkiug plaee iu the Star olhee. The be lieadiug act is beiug performed • J ily, but uot by Dailey. llobert Louis Stevenson, i ou iuotion of E>litor Logau of the i Hullelin , wts in tde an houorary ’ member of the H iwaiiau Historie.il Soc etv I *st ev*<niug. R <v. Dr, H ele us>iste l >n the .ulioelueiion. A not very large audienoe wis pres-nt ut the Y M C A h-ill tast evening to listeu to Pn*f. Alexander’s r<*ading of a pap*<r <»n the “R i.ssiau Ojcupancv of Hawaii.” The dolivery of the : >peaker was very poor but tlie pub!ic ispromised an opnortunity to read the ably coI!ateJ urticie m priut. Maj.iT Wol»ere has a knicker i bein coucoetion th-<t en <b!es the mbiber to speak Gerrnan iufour tli <lects fr <tn one imhibition. — i Dr.R<)wat » well kuown and very cao«ble velerinary surgeon i wiio had formorly a large pnetice hen:. retnrued again t<> Honolulu by the bark CD. Bryant. Prof. Dau Lyons is most . carefal and pitieut with clnld.*en in his toaching tliom tho w i'tz. polka i*r <piadiille movements .*ud the iittle i*nes leam quicklv under his »nstruotious. Read his “ad. ” io this issue. l ••Rememb->r tho Sabb ith ( lay and keep it holy’ wts tlioaght of bv Mikiki sharpshouters on last Samity. Sen»lor Cannintrham has oue • uf tbe laiest nud oe«test dw ces ' iii b»s establish<iieut, to sa;*ply a long fr-lt want. tu.it eau be found in town Drup into the Auchur uud test it Rumors were curreot to;lty that one of the Siuith's bad res gned office. Newspnper men are yet iu doubt wliether :t is“I ’ Smith, Smitb of the Aunexation Ciub, Suiith of tbe Counctl, S>uith (2) ol llie Siur, “P«r8 *u” Smitb, **Supreme Court” S.aith, ’ <Jabu Riiiway ’ Siuiih. or the ueual JoUo Buiith. WuieU Sm»tb • t>,'