Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — An auspicious Inaugural. [ARTICLE]
An auspicious Inaugural.
! The trnge«1y Fnncesca D* Kimini for tomi>rro\v ovening. \Vitli the fnll coii»pany, 25 extns. new war«lr«>be an«l apueiai 8*-nerv B.iker’s powerfnl traged\ “Fr.:ncesci Di Ki'iiini” slioiiUl pr*>ve a poteut ilr>«\ving c«rd for | D.iil»*v’s Company to inangoratfc the last half of a very pleasaut an«l pr«>sperous season. Onee in S a w ile one sees a plny or a r«-n | dition *>f some role tbat by its nuif- nn excellenoe m kecriticism j im«pt aml renders r«-view «lilhcnlt , Such a st;«te is looke»! forwar«l to in “R iiiiui’’ us tlie previ« iib etiorts bave beeu of an ev« n te;ibr and this being one, if uot the conipanv s iuo»t pret -;it o*ieTo,'ts, ti«ett«ettre p«trons. par j Iticn!arly tlie b gher class •«! «»ue-, tog« ther witli the skept cs wili be ! | ont in force to judge critically ou j what is 1«.h1 «y, the b ggest snc-! cess in tlie Uuited St tes iu blank verse. Mr Vmtou, who ess;»ys L«uuciotti. bas received veiy ditt ring eocoraiuras from tbe ; press or li a interpret.»tton •>f the j b«iuch-back wlneh cliaracter he ' bas m ule a cureful study. Mr. i Su«>w will be P.toU the m<>t er. b«>tli chancters bear ng a stroog restmb.ance to D«UI«>U. aud 1 I Pytbiaa M;ss Nannary will hav« tbe t.tle r»>le and Mr • ’onn >ra, j th- Coart j. ster Pepe Xue s«ie i is Lrg<*.