Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — The Convention and the Loyalists. [ARTICLE]
The Convention and the Loyalists.
Ti e ?e'. sal of t1 e J.*rpe n ■ iit . ' t e virf-;s of Hn» »*ike p.-rt in the rwent #■ ēetii>p 1 i.<* e* n:• s n* d:>«f • o’ntr en< t** jtl e j rov,- nn«l pov-*Tnraent A 1 the iifl.ier.ee that conld h hronpl,t to be;>r w>s nse<l bct in va ; n The t *txl nna ber • f iol< n r*=p’st< red <1oes n-t re:>c' < r b< ‘ t ore-«ixth < f th< t t 1 nn-i l>**r of I wf>d v<.t**r s : 0 t • f •! <>se 25f 0 at leai.i 700 w»>i.!d b ve b>*eii I>nm*<l fi* ni v ti<-• n* <ler i c >i>«t tution I p*>v -r ir > ut *n aceonnt of ns ffici* nt lenpt , of residence «hile a 1 .rp>maj< iitv <>f the b 1 *n<*<* is e *n -t tnt- 1 * f illit-rate P-.rtnpn.se wli<> wou'el l>e b <rre>I fr*>m v t np f ny * duc:<t'on qna!ification w«s m .<1 * n c*ss.rv W'e liave iu ■> j f r >.er »»iie shown t' e di*<cr«l««ncy bet««*en the all«p-*d mem i l«ers «>f the anuexMtion ch l>, and the aeln lly repi>t<*r»d v««ter-. ; 1li Sejitehil>er Ohainiian ' C : St"ck-r pnblic'y state*l that 63 , er cent. <*f the iep’>tere«l voters in Haweii were m«-mb<*is "f tlie , anm*\ati<>n club—wbnt has be emne of iliein? T!x- C"i vei*tion it is snpposed j s now re dy t<« m<et The .4*/ <* fs r is usinp n>ncli sj> o and mnel» iuk t<» t- il the H <waiiaiis O t.)< pi« at h*ve. tliat t'.e ’ best ' i wi.it*s liave for t!iein aml what i a n c« constitutiou thes« loving slioj>kee; ers will uiake f<»r th<- > c<mntry. It lias evideutiy m»t | e t< re<l the mind <»f th« d«/rer 1 tl*rr man. that it is v«*ry j>".ssible i tli.it the 12000 voter> who ivfuse*J I t' tak<* llio oath pr«*scrih <1 als" | may r<*f* se to “taLe” tlu* j c<>(istit«:t on uev« r uiiml how , su«ar C'*at (1. it mav be fix j * ed uj> by tbe self-appo ut- , «•<1 phys cians to t!ie Ha~ waiian. The loy«l citiz ns iu aw.ii will cont nu« qni> t and p *:iceful :is hmp as theii’ case is i 11 tie hands ..f the Am**rican Administr,ition When an <*fficial answ r comes fr< m Clevehmd resj»ondii p to tlie <lemau«ls, r< q iests and petifions whieli have be* n f’*rwnrdt*d lo him aml r ce»ved bv the <mly Hien w; 11 j Haw:.ii:iiis fike a haml in the ! pol tics <f their couutry an.l ■ <1* ede wliat ><ltitude lo ad<»pt j aud whai policy t<> j.nrsue, In > t'ie nieanl me Ihe const.tuti"ii j nia!;«rs e u pet t< pether and amn?e t!i« inselves l>j’ t ukerii p j on a co!ist tuti>>u uud p« t the j COUntrv eutaipled vith J.ipaii aikI > ther (•( uiitr es tlie r woik will be iii vaiu the>r tuoe wiil be I. st atid thev' will uiake themselves Ihe iaiiphing st<>cks ol the world.