Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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ī - *"" ? Thk Circoit Conrt opened its qu«iterly tenu tiiis inorni.g Tlie extierae l*»ck of aeeommi d ations f*r wliieli tlie d ffer« nt dep*irtmeuts «re l*ecoming f im >»is wei-e »sjH*ci 1 1 ly uot iworth\ tod>tv Tne Pre.ss is .»• w iys tot*illv igu«ir ed. ue s* ats l>eing fonnd for its represeut itives, T.ie people liaving [ l>nsin< ss l>efore «re huddled togotlier hke aheep wlnle tlie l.i\wers li ivo to scnml>lō aroandj to t5n< clit»irs. It is remaikable t!i ;t our we»ltliy g>veni-uent is so tbnt tbey caun*>t buy some sec *«ul-hand chairs for the d tferrot e >urts. a!tliougb they g *t highly in lgn«nt. if ,*r ’Oie l- j iug> »re n >t rapjrte l or rjp >rt »<ll iuo >rreotly It is ao >nt luoel tbat a cht»nge for the better took plnee.