Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — In The Convention. [ARTICLE]
In The Convention.
Tl ,f * St'ir <i ĪPS ♦<< p’ve 5rni tl’:<t tt>«» H d* l»* p t;*H t ' tl.e t'on>titntinrial e.-n vpi'li<>T> are verv nn<1 \p;t f-st.-em l»!»*. Ont nf tl>e e’plit<»*n el<rt»fl mm 1»>rs nnl> «ii <r* H»vaiiatiK. Oftl<»seMr. K Iol)«ne is t!;e 1>est kn< wn He is an i(tromtit parson w’m dn**sn , t nn.l<-rst;tn<l a wonl »>f En pli>»h u<1 wlio alw»vs h s lie<*n km>wn as ;<n oheilienl to<>l < f th< m ss : ora r ies. Tl.*’ ex r* verend Ins<*p.> trora Hnnn is « simi]ar! s|H*cirif*n of «n pnorant Hawai-i-.n who ne ther c*n sj>eak u< r utnler lanil Enplisl). Ho is :<t ] res. nt a I'*-i>ntv Sheriff a j l» tlmt he r<‘Ceive<l »s a rewar<l f* r joininp fhe Annexat : on Ciu1> an«l 1>eii>p (l.*serve<lly kieke.l out < f ths Cbnrcl» in Hanu. Mr t*ol ste n 8 n r ther lir : p)it vont p lialf wli te lawyer from Kohah». who lis no i *<■-] i t eal esj.et-eeee aml I> Kahanlel o is in p<>vern rnent < mploy and belougs to tbe clif[U« that worships the Chr st’nn -1»ut reticenf nnd mux I’ln ni'ip C J Tlie last lw< “ repi< ntative’' H iwai ans Mr Knn i aken aml .1 \\ K lua ueed no comnei;t If tliey r**present th> H iwaiiun }>e p'e tlte qu ekei Ihe J ■ waiian peoule ce»ses t exist the l>etter for the world. By th.* way. to whnt |>aity does Kalna l.elonp at present?