Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
eiIEA.H rUHNITUEE ! VIBrGt F4T & Cq. Conier of Kmg nd B€tbel bts.. Honolaiu, OfT< r a Iarg« aaaort nent of fine aud d>sirab e Fl RMTI R 12, *1 *eli tli»y soll at av< n low figo •*. da Bui>ans Me t Sif«*s \\ardiobes. etc . <«t piieea t«< ru t even b» «fy. Call «i<d u.t>j ect for yoorselveg. rr. r 12 M>GFATACO. MlWU-^A J >T KF( KIVEI'fn n. JAPAN Boveral Kmd of Co.ton Crape, Latesi £ty?e of Shlrts m differ<nt qouhtie&. tj fE8t cf pcrcElain T«-a Sets u Specialty Ja]»nn«'se Lanterns nnd m)tny Cmios suitab!e foi Cbristn;as Goods. ♦11 KING PTKEFT, Hon«.lnln. TelfpLow>. Pfll 4T4. P.O Boj 386. Mam&l '44, n<>13 1 m Criterlon Salcon PFK AUSTRALIA, snother Iuvoioo of tbe celebrated JOHN \VEILAND **ĪKK PALE a LAqE^ BEER. Also, a Fresh 1xvoice of C\LlfOpiA °Y s T Ef l s FOB C>YSIEF^ COOK,X\ILS L. īH. DEE, Proprietor. Sans Sonci HDT'EL, WAIKIKI, HONOLOLU. ■r>v<\ r.. Firs{-Cfass Aeeommoaations for fourisis and ls/and Guests■ &JPERI0R BAīH/KG FACIUTIES, Printe Cottages for FvnilieS. fT. A. SIMPSON.