Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THe Anheuser-Busch Brewing- Co. Wia* the Prize at the AVor*ld’s Pair "*ith their JllAGrCi il JBrand Beer. St Louis. Oct 28. 1893. Mes«rs. Macfarlaxe & Co., L’d., Honololu, H. I. Dear Slrs: — We have aiailed yoa a copy of the Gl<?be-Democnii announeinp the great victory won by the ĀXHEUSER-BcsH AssociatI0X with their “EAOLE'’ Brau l of Beer. [Signed] AXHEUSER-BUSH BEWING ASSOCIATIO.V. i sv §5 & X K. se 3 2 m 5? % * <T & UR» iu urderiug tliis Beei be sure to ask for tue ' EauLl ijiaud. ALacfarlane & Co., M»r. 14—2iad. A<jent* /<rr Havxiiian Islands. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Klade at Stockton, Cai. Sept. 23, 1893. Sir<?. PiomplH, 2,.T0o. bv B1 e Bab. 7»: Diiu, (inee, bv Bacoaueer, 2,656. Pronipter is also the Sire of Apei, 2:26; Tmnsit, 2:261; W.lker 2:2.īi; Walei, 2:27 ; 2:24: md of the Dams Brilliantinc, 2:17 and Vigor, 2:28. “Okeoi.e” is jet hlaek, oue hmd white foot and emall stnpe in faoe. Weis;ht. 1,050 p>iands; is very stylish, gent!e, m got>d prodncer m i gatue race horse, īll staud for a limited uaiu)>er of iuares at I \ (?->0l DOLLAKS FOR THE SF.ASOX, payab!e at time of service. This horse »as bred iu 1802 to forty-six marea and produceid forty-two eo ts. feb 17-im 13 II DAV1S. 0SBWAT k P0RTER, Robinson Block, Hotel St., heiween Fort and Xnuann, Hav Just r«cf\id.jcr 1 ale A nivals. 11 1 1 » if.ti-1 1 1 cf FUR iNlTURE Ever lmj Orted to t ! is Conntry. Comj>risiug Ha ndsome Caived Bedroom S:ts In Solicl Oak, anjof the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS C.\LLED TO TmESE SETS: WICK.ER. WARE, Beaut fol Des gns <<f Wick-r Ware, consist ng of S0FAS, CHA1BS, KOCKERS, etc..vou ean get tiie.se in ;*ny FINISH vo’i desire. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHAlltS, iu ererv stvle, including OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. EHTEITSIOIT TiL3LE3 7 We bave had a uumber of calls for these T »bles. witb CHA1RS t matcb. We have now in stock tbe rnost BEAUTIFUL DINING ROO!VI PU3NIIU8E EVER SEEN tiERE. Sideboards and -;- Chiffoniers īt3DIVA]VS.\3 D<tus oovered w>tb PORTIERS are bec<»miug qnite the rage in (ilaee of LOUNGES -wh mauu€acture tnem to order, aiid tiave a aige stock of PORTIERS to select from. BED2DI1TG. Gre it Assortment of MOA WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring. Hair, Moss, W<ol and Straw Mattressea ou hand ami made to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS >..d SILK FLOSS fur Pil ows. CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WINDOW SHADES o£ all colors and siz -s. POLES, in w«x>d or br ss tri>nmings. ĒEPAIEINō. Mattresses, Lounges and all .Cpholstered Fnrniture repaired at . . - - reasoi>āble n tes. CABFNET MAKING. in all its brauches, by Compeaent Workmen MATTING LA ! D tnjlQt rior Decor»tjiig nader-the Suporvisiou ol Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods :> re F rst C1 ss. and our prices &pe the lowest Come and be e>nvinced —i» tti»l ia s Iic\,tedBeil 525. TXLEPH05ES: Mutnai 645. OBDWAY 4 PORTER 1 Bnbm*on Bloek, M»««o Foit «ad Nananu