Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
Tī;e A lverti3»r who cstcbes i pers ms eve ustiPv wns n sto>»er. Mmv difl.*r»nt sty!es f ndvertis;ng h»re 1>»en fc.l*.rte»l ! »d w tb m >re or !e>s success. hv ! e l>»li>*Ters i» the n-ie of pr ors ink. Tne mm f >ctnrers >f ’ »rs S ‘ q>. f■ »r 'iist.iiK’e oee* i» <>u Pv bny p» ntings that have >ee« »>n exh.h ti>>n in the P <r> s i ilon and h «ve iithogrij>lis nade frorn them f«>r the :>;irp >s-* -.f I >riagi’»g their j>r > 1 >ct bef >re ■ t’>- j«ot>le. I;«ad ltt >n t> s i.-h sid-> ssnes, P».«rs .en ls liandreds t>i»us«nds < t d II >is »nnualiv ; <mong the n*.wsi>»pers »nd m«g .■ >z nes Som» ve «rs <g the g“iit.s >-.f c»rt«in article on s :l le in N>*w \\>rk m «de a hit in adv»rt sing hy I havmg <>n Br<>«dway dnring b»s i i»es- hours tw > fa:l i >sly dr< sse*l N“gro >s we «n gvery hig ic >li irs. ;on the b «cks «>f whmh wis prnte 1 ‘ Use S oiths Piils.” Tle ; id» « wis n >vel i»n«l the pnhlie (caught on. R’,siug Sin Stove Po‘ish h»s l>» • k 1 >t '> >for» the . ; puhlie f>r \eir.-, tlir«ugh ji«tsis-! t»nt. and sO(uetimes exjH?ir~ive ! ««lv»rtising. Twentv "«M \e.r> n . « «go the m uiuf,ictnr« rs oi *h s j>olish st»rt»<l h;ilf » dozen mer acrossthe orui neutto pnnt s gn - on r>cks »nd f»nces Cio A»rmotor Co., of Chic ig) li»ve in cr»»seil its sa!es m<>reth«n fivej iiundred p»r c»nt in tw>> y»»rs hy the use of pnnteis ink. We helieve \ve li «ve b»e» instrament>l in incre «sing tiie s les of the Aemotor bv ke»ping everlast ng!y »t it in l»waii. We do not wish to siy th it adveitismg will sell »uy mamif ictured irtioIe; there is n > use sjieoding in mey in a«lvertis;ng ' cheaji ainl n istv” go ><ls he c»»se the people will n*>t b» h<>od wmkeil. lf H >vil m>l Ohin i w.is not tlie sujierior «rticle it is »111 oiir advertising of it \v<>;ild »>>i j h.tve sold tlie thons»uds <>f j>iec>*~i that we h»ve. We s rnply eall the att»ntiou >>f t!>■■•> •‘••ple t<> it md its suj>eri r qual ty is ipj>ar •ut to the c>istomer «lireclly ;> <iec» of :t isex«mined. Fiint»rs mk h»s helpeil the sal< • ■f the J»ines L «cke l F»nce hut two -ld n>>t h >ve d >nesso ;f <t h.»! I>e»n as flimsy as the or din >y w>r fence. Fir>t; the ee in>>>ny ther>is in bnildiug it recomrue!i<l it to the pl.ant»ti*>n m»n >ger aini then its dnrahility clinches ilx the s «le If the st»ys and w.ash ;rscost »s mueh as a» onlm r\ re.lwo >d post our s«les of th* ■i>«terial wo ild n«»t h»ve reached s ieli enorm >ns proporlions. Onr »ver «ge sale of the Paas\ J ron Stove is abont two » dav th» ! ve»r rouiul lf was not tb» best irou st«>ve on the market w« Aonhl not sell tli.tt manv m si\ I montIi8. Advertising is the t>|>| 1 1, the pul>l;c the g»od p>>ints u>, thearticle seils it jn~t as the g>»>d | qu» ities of tae Fischer Stee R.mge ro»ke it « desir«hle artid» f >r peopl» who wish to ecou>>mis» m tiie 08« of fuel. We bny only what h»s pr>w»n j g*H>d »fter people in tlie Unit* >i States or E ir >j>e h ive giv-rii «t ;< trial; we pn>fit by t >♦ ir experinc» ; if the articles »re g »M>d we bin • an<l aell tiiem; if they are j»>ori we st**er cle >r of tl«»m. When we advertise an article it is to at j tract «tteiiti >n to it; the news |>aj>er is the l>utton we pash, th. salesroau does the rest. Persis»eut advertising c »up ; ed with the »rt eie beu,g i sapenor : one h»s s >1.1 tn>msm>ls of the frnu W.«!cot E oory File. If it had been no better t >an an ur |diniry scythe sfcoue we prob«bly w..nld n< >t b (Te s>dd twenty. ( When a m«n finds oat tbat his : table knives may be kej>tsh .rp at i all times at an exjx)nse of fiffcy i eenU nd a very liule eibow grease ue is quik> wjlimg to try tbe expenm rnt THj 3i?aiian Ha?iware Co. «W/ turl btiiMU